
Sagittarius 2006 horoscope

General overall Horoscope  




You have never been able to keep your place for a long time - this year will not be an exception. And no need to - you are doing a heck of a job (it would be certainly good if everything in your hands would work, not burn - but that is a matter of luck, as such a talent is given to few people only), and your eyes will be radiant with an unearthly light, your soul will be craving for some far-away places, and your feet will be constantly taking you away in quite unexpected directions. So the year will be a tough nut to crack.

In the course of this year everything may change in your life - from habits to your home address, and you can move even to another hemisphere. One should say it will take place not without your own participation - you are more likely to direct the situation and have the surrounding world adjust to your needs rather than to be governed by the circumstances. However, don't be in a hurry to rejoice at such a situation, it will require certain efforts and your willingness to make them. On top of this it would not be too bad to get an idea what you are striving at. An advice politely offered to Alice by the Cheshire Cat to go any direction will be hardly suitable for you, since it makes a difference for you where exactly you wish to get.


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Family, Love, Romance  

Relationships will be developing in zigzag, as a lot will depend here on a Sagittarius' partner. If he or she is patient enough, the year may be regarded as successful; at any rate you will not be bored for sure. Anyway there is a significant danger of going too far, and you will have to work seriously at self-improvement so that you could preserve peace and quiet in the family, if there is one, and if you don't wish to destroy it.

But at the same time stars foretell liberty of flirting for Sagittarius. You will arouse genuine interest in others, and many of them would give a lot for a bit of your attention. Holiday affairs will be especially demonstrative in this respect.

Beware of the overwork, especially in autumn; various awkward situations connected with sex failures are possible. Even continence is recommended for a week or two (and may be more - depending on your own perceptions), just to feel more confident. That will also make you burn stronger with desire.

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