2011 Horoscope for Scorpio Zodiac Sign

2011 Horoscope Scorpio

Astrology forecast for 2011, the year of the White Metal Rabbit. 2011 Horoscope for people born under the Scorpio Zodiac sign.

This year will be strange and unpredictable.

Scorpios may be too idealistic in some issues in this year of the white rabbit (2011 is also known as hare year or cat year). Sometimes they will be so presumptuous and confident in their infallibility that they will lose touch with reality. Only the lucky ones with experience may be lucky to find their own way out of negative situations, just as others cannot do without the assistance from close friends.

It is obvious that 2011 can be both quite successful, and completely a disaster year, if they do not know when and where to apply force that will bring favor. This year, Scorpios are not alone in their struggle, and should have more trust and faith in people - this is for those who have witnessed many problems in the past.

Scorpio love 2011 horoscope

2011 will begin sluggishly without passions and love. Scorpios will soon get bored with this. The single ones will go for a journey in search of unearthly love, which will not last long. However, they will for a long time search for the only one with whom they will be happy throughout their life. They will have to be realistic with their demands.

In spring, they will be attracted to people and crowd. They will easily part with their family if their spouses do not support them in this endeavor. Spring is a dangerous time for the family of Scorpios, very fraught with break ups, or at worst - temporary cooling. The free ones will tear off in full. They will have so many friends and sexual partners.

In summer, Scorpios will plunge into their invented world and will be there to perceive reality in a distorted light. This is a very dangerous period, explosive and fraught with depression and violent ruptures in long relationships.

At year-end, they will find love like a magic but it will be a real fire. If this horrible thing happens to married ones, they will leave their family silently and empty-handed. Nothing will stop them except the voice of their own mind. However, this is so if such Scorpios are experienced and mature.

Scorpio career 2011 horoscope

Their professional life in 2011 will start promisingly. They will expect a career growth and a magnificent actualization of a number of projects. And over time, this favorable trend will increase. They should not be lazy and distracted by insignificant trifles because this is a very important stage in their business life.

These trends will continue in spring. Hard work will be fruitful. However, at some point, it may seem that everything is useless.

With the arrival of summer, business conditions will be less tense. Everything will depend to which extent they managed to actualize things in the first half of 2011.

In any workforce where there are Scorpios, relationships of friendly understanding will be established. Work will be easy. Scorpios will be able to relax and reflect on their personal preferences. In fact, they can start a new career in summer, and the more insistent they will act, the better the result.

They will develop a new field of activity at the end of the year. They will enthusiastically and cheerfully work, charming anybody around them. 2011 will end with them being almost at the most successful level of all the previous decade.

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2011 Horoscope

Read Scorpio 2011 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

January 2011 Scorpio Horoscope February 2011 Scorpio Horoscope March 2011 Scorpio Horoscope April 2011 Scorpio Horoscope May 2011 Scorpio Horoscope June 2011 Scorpio Horoscope July 2011 Scorpio Horoscope August 2011 Scorpio Horoscope September 2011 Scorpio Horoscope October 2011 Scorpio Horoscope November 2011 Scorpio Horoscope December 2011 Scorpio Horoscope

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