2013 Horoscope for Snake Zodiac Sign

2013 Horoscope Snake

Chinese 2013 Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Snake, for the 2013 Black Water SNAKE Year

The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Snake holds some expected advice and some surprises. It's true that one of Snakes biggest disadvantages is their inability to let their guard down when it's necessary. The truth is that this 2013 year of the black Snake you must learn how to open up to those around you if you want to get close to anyone or find success in your career.

2013 horoscope - The Snake In Love

Whether single or partnered, the advice for you is the same: open up! No, it may not be easy, but you're always willing to do what it takes to make money, aren't you? You're willing to take risks because you know the reward is there. Somehow this business savvy you're so well known for doesn't translate for you into your personal life. High risk brings high reward, so try and let your guard down.

The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Snake also shows us that you need to work on being less sneaky. You're quite the suspicious one, and so you use this as an excuse to snoop through belongings or manipulate your partner into telling you something they don't want to tell you. This is not going to get the desired response. Your partner may be tricked into sharing something, but it won't be what you want to hear.

The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Snake shows us that there's actually very little that's going to change for you this 2013 year of Snake - unless you change it. In some years, the planets align and bring you change whether you want it or not. This is not the case this 2013 year. Instead, you will have to decide what you want to change and will have to find a way to change it. No one's going to do it for you.

2013 horoscope - The Snake at Work

The Chinese 2013 horoscope for Snake shows us that if you want to be successful in your career this 2013 year of the black Snake, then you must be willing to use your tenacious nature to your advantage. You are quite willing to put yourself out there and take a chance with work, which is a great thing, but this year will bring new struggles.

There may come a point when your job becomes overwhelming and you consider simply giving up. Don't do it. Remember that you've gotten through a lot in your life and you will get through this, too. What may initially seem to be a long-term problem can actually be overcome much faster than you may think it will. Just put your head down, work through it, and come out the other end.

Your Chinese 2013 horoscope shows us that this 2013 year of Snake is a year for you to open up on a personal level, and that advice can be used for your professional life as well. This doesn't mean you have to tell your boss all your personal business, but it does mean that you should avoid the role of 'strong and silent' at work. Those who know you know that you can be quite warm. Let that personality shine through at work and you won't regret it.

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