January 2013 Horoscope Sagittarius

January 2013 Horoscope Sagittarius

January 2013 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

You want to make a resolution during January to spend time closer to home. You want to appreciate the downtime from traveling and taking care of family is utmost in your mind. During the second half of January your work load will pick up and relationships with your family, friends and children will be a bit impacted. You will however, create more memories with them when you are home. Finances, wellness and an active social life is on tap for January 2013. Your bank account may get a bit of a boost this month. It will not be high but keep in mind that debt can be increased as much as income. Make a plan and a determination to live within your means and to save. Investing is good, and pay off any debts that you have accumulated. This way you will have a happier 2013.

You may find that sudden expenses are on tap for January and this does not bode well for the rest of the year. If you launch a new dating relationship this month avoid having a hidden and controlling attitude. Take a chance on a lottery in January and look for sales that might bring you needed household items.

There may be family misunderstanding so you do need to explain the thoughts behind your ideas. Take care of major appliances during January; there is a big freeze coming and you could lose your possessions due to a flood. Keep things slight if you are in a new dating relationship and if you are in a committed relationships keep things happy and light. Take your love to dinner often and do give compliments. Compliments will go far as future bargaining chips!

Money and success means that on the 1th of January your solar second house of finances will call you to attend to money matters. Take charge and develop a budget for the rest of the year. Include savings, charity donations and debt reduction. You will have unexpected expenses come up the last part of January and you need to be prepared for them.

The first part of January means that Venus is in your sign and this brings extra charisma and attractiveness to you. People will tend to be drawn to you and you will want them around. Pamper yourself with a make-over or a massage. Try a new hairstyle or just relax in a hot tub.

On January 26th you will want to run away. You are craving new and fresh scenery and so tired of your office and home. Travel isn't the best ideas during January. You need to resolve finances first. Find satisfying substitutions by exploring your own city, going to dinner at new places or finding travel brochures and dreaming of a summer get away.

You lucky days are the 5th, 7th 8th and 9th as well s the 13th, 21st and 22nd. Watch out for things to be dicey and difficult on the 4th and 6ths as well s the 10th and 14th. Beware on the 28th and 31st.

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