Daily Horoscope November 1

Daily Horoscope for Today November 1, 2014

The weekend is here and you deserve every bit of fun and enjoyment out of it. You worked too hard to miss out on a chance to relax and do what you really love doing. On November 1, 2014, weather permitting, enjoy a long walk in the park, spend more time outdoors and let fresh air feel you with new energy.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Militarism which is characteristic of Aries is inappropriate and even dangerous today. As soon as you start noticing dark clouds gathering on the horizon, try to do everything possible to prevent a storm. If you don't restrain your emotions, your career, marriage, a business contract or climate within your family may suffer.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Be careful when doing routine work especially if it is closely tied to constant interpersonal contacts. An ordinary problem today can transform into a universal catastrophe. You may have to deal with a demanding visitor or unhappy customer and a typical situation may prove unpredictable.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Overall balance, both external and internal, is becoming Gemini's saving grace today. If you are ill, you will probably feel better today. Don't rush your judgment on any events. You may find yourself in the state of an emotional shock or mental halt which will hardly aid the objectivity of your opinion.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Cancer is not able to stop events from taking place, but it can adjust its behaviour. Your frame of mind as well as your manners will largely define the atmosphere in the family, at work and even within an occasional group of people. Learn to quickly recover from stress and be optimistic about changes.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Extraordinary people may surround Leo on November 1, 2014. The Lions may run into them while traveling, at home or in the office. You may receive unexpected news and announcements. You may also introduce some changes into how you communicate, things you enjoy and what you've planned for today.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Virgo's needs may grow more numerous today. You shouldn't shy away from solving arising problems - it is time to change your strategy. Your future (as well as your present) insists on it. Think how you can increase your revenues by using progressive technologies and contemporary methods.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Managers are inclined to ask impossible of you. Many Scales are in danger of having to deal with their competitors' surprising strategy, close ones' attacks, household and technical troubles. Under such conditions you have nothing left to do but stay in a perfect shape and be confident in your rightfulness.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Turbulent atmosphere of November 1, 2014 can throw Scorpio into the state of stress. However, you will remain indifferent to the events around you if they have no immediate impact on you, your project or your close ones.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

This is the day of changes in a team or in a group of supporters. Sagittarius' friends may question your popularity or some other important qualities of yours and as a result, they may end up choosing another - more fit in their opinion - person.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Today will prove to be the day of systematic changes - both small and big. The spheres of life which you used to regard as autonomous may come to intersect: your activities, rhythm of work, partnership, social status, place of residence. Today's events may help you make a final decision about your future.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Today's scenarios are anything but predictable. Many of the Water Bearers will simply be bewildered, so will many others. You'll find things like large-scale regrouping of political forces, sudden change in educational program or surprising appearance of new odious figures in your workplace equally interesting.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Impressionable Pisces can become a victim of a global process which has nothing to do with Pisces itself. Depending on the circumstances you will either join in everyone's panic or, on the contrary, be enthusiastically shouting out revolutionary slogans.

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Comments: Daily Horoscope November 1

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Madam Looloo 2014-10-20 19:51:10
I find these so helpful and accurate! 😍

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