Oriental 2014 Horoscope for the Green Wood HORSE Year
The period from January 31st, 2014 to February 18th, 2015 will be spent by mankind in the pursuit of their dreams. The coming 12 months is the time of the Pegasus, not a village nag, so if you do not want to drag heavily laden carts then grow your wings and fly high. The horoscope promises that you will not be bored, because every day will be stuffed with events and surprises. If you perceive any deviation from the original plan as a personal tragedy, you will have a difficult time in the Year of the Horse. Learn how to adjust to the outside world, happily meeting any changes, because cooperation is better than confrontation. The long-mane patroness of 2014 will help the kind of people who know how to take initiative and play by the rules. To earn the respect of the universe, we need to be strong, hardworking and self-reliant. Life's benefits go to those who can reach them first, ahead of the crowd of competitors. However, it you have the intention to thin out the ranks of opponents through unfair methods, creating traps and poisoning teas, then you will be disqualified for the entire 12 months. The Horse cannot stand scoundrels and the envious ones, and every time tries to hit them with its hoof. Due to the heightened decency of the year's mistress, all signs should forget about low blows and focus on self-development. Additional education, vocational training and valuable experience will enhance your credibility in the eyes of others, and help you take the coveted leader's office. The fact that on the way to the top you will not step over other people or shove them into an abyss will greatly improve your karma, and who knows - perhaps you can later reincarnate into a beloved hamster of a business tycoon. From a financial standpoint, 2014 will be a successful year for the people who are used to working hard, very hard in fact, instead of sitting still and waiting for manna from heaven. Those slackers, who in their hope of heavenly life obediently tread the desert trusting in the mercy of God, will receive not mercy, but charity from Destiny. Even among the red-hot sands you must show business acumen and find a source of income, whether it be an oil well or a network of water selling outlets.
Many people will meet their other half in the Year of the Horse, but some will miss the godsend happiness from their own passivity and indecision. Remember that even a handsome prince must fight for his love: fighting the evil dragon, building flying ships. The only princess who knocked on the door of her boyfriend's castle turned out to be capricious, nonsensical, and brought many complaints about a small pea under the duvet in the morning. If you do not want to wake up every day with a grumpy hysterical woman, then actively search for someone who would be worth living your life with. In 2014, people should openly express their feelings and emotions, leaving the old man syndrome in the past. If you will shield yourself from the outside world, then it will answer you the same, resulting in the only happy birthday greeting you get coming from the automatic Gmail service.
A horse is a freedom-loving animal created for running through the wilderness and the wind, surrounded by its own kind. However, while flying through life, do not forget those who make up your herd: friends, colleagues and relatives. Invite them to celebrate the New Year together; your cheerful and friendly company is bound to attract long-mane patroness, who will come to the light and endow everyone present. Despite the apparently democratic nature, the Green Horse is still a born aristocrat, so people need to abide by the dress code during the festive celebration in her honor. Prefer clothes with elements of blue or green colors, these can be combined with brown and gray. Women should not neglect their large jewelry, designed in the same main colors, and men should dignify their costume with cufflinks or tie pins of relevant stone shades. Dressing up as bright as an orange, a tropical bird, a plum or a firefighter is not necessary. Leave these aggressive colors for something else; otherwise, the 2014 Horse will turn to you with the place where she grows her tail.
Even if you prefer to wear worn-out sneakers all year round, then go against this rule at New Year's Eve and sacrifice comfort for the sake of beauty (especially since the need to run away from the ball did not arise from the times of Cinderella). To please the long-mane mistress of the year, put on shoes with heels or soar above the ground on a high platform. Scattered loosely over the shoulders or flirty hair tail will help you charm the highest forces and to enlist their support for the next 12 months.
It is known that the Horse is an herbivore creature, so the hosts of the world will have to decorate the holiday table a variety of salads and vegetable platter. It is clear that the patroness will not approve of any horse sausages or roast beef, so the horoscope advises people to be satisfied with fish dishes or poultry. Prepare a loaf of bread for the Horse and various pies, cakes, and cookies for yourself. All filling and flour products are now held in high esteem. At New Year's Eve, remember that your goal is not to eat yourself up to a fat state and not to drink until your face drops in the salad, but to have good fun, dance, and laugh at the neighing of last year setbacks. All while you prepare to be among the favourites of the race of life in the upcoming 2014!
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