July 2014 Horoscope Cancer

July 2014 Horoscope Cancer

July 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer

It is very likely that during July 2014, the zodiac sign of Cancer will experience some problems on its life path. This can especially manifest itself in the area of work and finances. The thing is that the Moon, which in its usual position is the planet-ruler of the Cancer sign, will stand on the other side of the barricades during this period. In light of the extremely negative general combinations, the only Earth's moon will cause large destructive influences on the life of Cancers. At the same time, the negative energy emanations of Saturn, the planet responsible for the "expulsion" of the Cancer sign, will be significantly strengthened. As a result, a powerful combination will arise, the energy of which will mostly focus on the sphere of work. At the same time, Jupiter - the planet-exalt of Cancer, will not leave its protege defenseless. You can also add the exceptionally powerful celestial leader of the water trigon, the name of which is Neptune. Mars will support this powerful duo. The red planet, usually responsible for the "fall" of the Cancel sign, will radically change its preferences this month, just like the Moon. This means that three quite powerful planets will be on the Cancer's side, though the concentration of their positive energy will befall the area of work.

In this way, the area of business and entrepreneurship will be a problematic one for the Cancer during July 2014. It is likely that during the dawn of the first ten-day period you will come face to face with an understanding that your plans forecasted for the current period are not meant to be. Sadly, but it is indeed so. The stars recommend that you quickly revise your current tasks. You should not abandon everything at once, but your wants and needs will have to be cut back by at least twofold. A lot will depend on how well you can reassign your resources and quickly identify priority directions. For example, if your chosen key goal will not be able to be fulfilled due to the multitude of various eternal factors, then it is likely that you will have to leave your current place of work. Yes, we are indeed talking about getting fired. If you work for yourself, do not think that everything will be simpler for you - the possibility of going bankrupt was not cancelled by anyone. So focus. Do not aim at chasing two rabbits at once, it is not the time for some stellar goals. Focus on something more or less grounded - an everyday mission. With such an approach, not only will you cut back your potential losses to a minimum, but you will also be able to resolve many problematic situations, which under different circumstances you just would not get around to fixing.

On the love front, less attention will be demanded from you. You will have a plethora of allies, the leader of which will be, of course, the celestial warrior. Mars will demonstrate your weak spots to you in July. You should not disregard his advice, though they will not bring any trouble with them. The red planet will also come face to face with your enemies. You should not worry about this, there is a high probability that you will come out a winner out of every situation. So be brave when heading to fight a great dragon to win the heart of your beautiful damsel! In this sense, July 2014 will be on your side. In terms of your relationships with friends, just be more attentive to your own words. There is some probability that just one thoughtless phrase will make you lose the trust of your friend. So think thrice before saying something sarcastic.

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