September 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo
The zodiac House of Virgo will be one of the two Houses in September 2014 that will not enjoy the same positive attitude from the interstellar combinations as the other ten. Sadly the "purple triangle" will not truly affect the Virgo, so the situation on the celestial band will develop oddly for this sign. Most likely it will develop quite negatively. Mercury, the planet-ruler of Virgo, also playing the role of the planet-exalt of this House, will try his best to neutralize most of the negative energy that will befall the Virgos from all sides. Neptune, responsible for the "expulsion" of the Virgo, strengthened by some general combinations will focus his attention on the sphere of work. Meanwhile, Venus - responsible for the "fall" of Virgo, strengthened by some general combinations, will focus her attention on the sphere of personal relationships. As a result, the certain negativity will engulf the life of Virgos from all sides. Of course, this does not mean anything, since Virgos will not stand idle themselves, and Mercury is still on their side. Nevertheless, this information should be a sort of warning that the House of Virgo needs to prepare for serious situations.
In terms of work, September 2014 will not be the best month of a Virgo's life. It is likely that from the very first days of the first ten-day period you will begin to feel the pressure from the side of circumstances. Either the paper will suddenly end in the printer, or the electricity will fail you... It will be twice as regretful when everyone will start to blame you, even though it will not be your fault at all. Arguing or fighting for your rights will not be so simple in this situation, especially that with such a situation you risk falling under someone's striking hand and be simply fired from your job. However, here is the point where you make the decision yourself. If you know that slyness and resourcefulness will not be enough, then do not enter the fight. Those that work for themselves may find it good to pay attention to a slightly different area. For a time stop optimizing your production in a once defined area. If you do not do this, then you will come to a decline, where the celestial negativity will not let you effectively fight the circumstances. It is better to try to focus your attention on other issues, and the situation will stabilize with time.
In terms of your personal relationships, you must be prepared that in September 2014 the initiative will fully leave you. Currently, you will be responsible for a very small piece of your life. In reality, you are the only one guilty in that. A non-biased analysis of the events leading up to this confirms this. If you will not be able to acknowledge your mistakes, then further development in this direction will be impossible. While the situation is extremely unstable right now, it is in September that you should get everything under control. Perhaps you will lose a lot if you leave the issue for "better times". The thing is that there is no guarantee in relation of these "better times". So see for yourself. The decision must be made from the point of view of the global life goals, not local ones. Currently, family conflicts will follow you everywhere and their strength will undoubtedly grow. It is likely that during the New Moon (September 24) there will be some defining moment you will have to live through. If you will be able to conquer your inner fear and rely on the will of the feelings, then the stars will perhaps give you a chance for honest happiness. If you will not be able to do this, then no one will be helping you from hereon after.
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Comments: September 2014 Horoscope Virgo
This aint for you mate STOP!!
you are very against virgos I think one dumped you because anyone who knows astrology knows this is bull
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