Daily Horoscope February 12

Daily Horoscope for Today February 12, 2015

This Thursday is jam-packed with happy experiences. Minor or major ones - it will all be positive. Even if some events don't seem to have anything to do with "happy", this may simply be a matter of interpretation and perception. Give it some time on February 12, 2015 and negative will prove to be positive.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

The risk of compromising what you've been working on with others so hard for so long is getting high. If you don't get along with yourself and with others, even the warmest of relations can suddenly end. Mutual stubbornness, aggression, sensitiveness and unwillingness to compromise can cause a scandal.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Today pockets of conflicts can constantly break out around you. They will be in your way of completing projects. People you need the most may be the people you are experiencing problems with. This may be your relative, assistant, colleague, driver or a neighbour.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Gemini's habit of taking things easy is being jeopardized by its excessive emotionality. Some of your feelings will be completely illogical. A sheer trifle may upset you and lead to failing a successful business transaction. You may be haunted by fear of poverty or dependence of some kind.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

It is somewhat difficult for you to produce a good impression today. The moment your feelings are hurt, your negative traits will be sure to reveal themselves in all their glory. You are prone to seeing some things in very dark colors. You may be obsessed with some idea.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Leo's spontaneous emotions as well as hidden desires prove to be catalysts of all processes. Your peace of mind can be affected by shaky family atmosphere or persevering fear. Try to not do anything under the influence of rage, grudge, jealousy and other destructive emotions.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Virgo should steer the excess of its energy in a safe direction. You are free to work on old mistakes. If you realize your error, try to ensure you're never going to make it again. Experiments in technical, psychological and financial fields are not advisable.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Despite their reputation of perfect diplomats, the Scales will not be ready to compromise or yield to anyone. Many of you will be prepared to risk their health and welcome a conflict. Finalizing an important project will call for 100% of your energy and time.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Many Scorpions' situation is more complicated than ever due to their dependence on partners. You may be let down by someone you trust (a family member, teacher or a countryman). Don't be in a rush to pass a judgment. Perhaps, it is you who are to blame for such turn of events: for example, you might have chosen a wrong ally.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Sagittarius will have significant psychological stresses to deal with. Be ready to protect your territory or beliefs, your family or home. There may be a conflict at work. Your friends may hold your old mistakes against you and disapprove of your present tactics.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

February 12, 2015 will prove difficult if you haven't made a choice yet. The Goats who have revealed their weaknesses to their enemies will find themselves in the worst situation: they'll be manipulated and subjected to psychological pressure. Choose another day for making alliances or starting wars.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

Aquarius will have to put all new projects on hold. Your freedom may be impeded with your family duties or some of your dependences/attachments. You may be concerned about your pet. Emotional stress may have a negative impact on your overall physical wellbeing.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today February 12

All the events of February 12, 2015 have a feel of a dangerous game. Quiet flow of events may seem boring to Pisces. In personal life, the day may prove to be a period of crazy passion and boiling sensuality; there may be jealousy scenes and extraordinary undertakings in the name of love.

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