April 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius
For the zodiac sign of Aquarius, April 2015 will not be the easiest of times and the basis for the current situation would be an overall negative energetic background. You should firstly note the position of the Sun, which in its traditional position is responsible for the expulsion of Aquarius. The solar negativity will currently be strong and this is truly bad news, since there are very few planetary combinations that can overcome such an influence. At this time, the influence of the Sun will be evenly spread among all of the life's areas and this might weaken the solar negativity as a whole. Luckily, Mars - responsible for the falling of the Aquarius sign will change his roles from a fierce enemy to a trustful ally, due to which the sphere of personal relationships will be at least somehow protected. The sphere of entrepreneurship will be slightly protected by the attempts of Mercury, the traditional exalt of the Aquarius sign. How much success Mercury will have is another question. The Aquarius may depend on support in any case, even if this support is not high. Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius, will support his current position, but will not be strong enough to be accounted for.
This way, the work direction of the Aquarius will become quite a problematic area in April 2015. You will have to try extra hard for you to maintain your status. Look at the celestial warning with extra scrutiny; otherwise, you may come to a situation leading to full bankruptcy or a sudden loss of a work place. Try to pay attention, to understand what is happening, because right now you will be surrounded by mean intrigues, which may have long-standing roots. Even if all your attempts to understand the situation will be a failure, you should separate yourself from it and try to be as objective as possible. It is possible that you are not the target of someone's negative aspirations, but the situation does not get easier from that. If you have your own businesses, do not have any modernization of HR changes. Be patient until next month, otherwise the situation will turn for the worse.
The love front in April 2015 will bring more complications, but the main issues should be resolved by the dawn of the second ten-day period. First, be attentive and careful in your relationship with your lover. If you previously had notes of mistrust, right now they will take an enormous strength. Overall, many things in April will depend on what has been happening before. If relationships were tense either way, then currently you will have to try very hard to avoid total failure. Those that are leading the married life will find it harder. If you are alone, then consider yourself lucky for the lion's share of the problems will pass by you. However, there is one aspect that remains - your relationships with relatives. Throughout the second and the third ten-day period, you can await an avalanche of events that will result in who knows what. The stars may not provide you with the precise answer of what is ahead, however you can be surely confident that you must display the most of your self-discipline and try to resolve all of your current problems. If needed, be as sly as possible, but no matter what be honest, as your lie will reveal itself much sooner than you might think. This will be an especially complicated period, but remember that you are not alone - and we are not just talking about the stars. The presence of earthly allies is much more important.
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