April 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Libra
The zodiac sign of Libra will live through a non-trivial, yet a relatively stable period of their lives in April 2015. The representatives of this sign will face serious problems, but they will be quite solvable. The influences of Saturn and the Sun will be defining. The Sun, responsible for the fall of the Libra sign, will be reinforced significantly due to some general interstellar combinations and the sum negativity will end up being quite strong. On the other side, Saturn - the traditional exalt of Libra, will also attain a heightened energetic potential that will allow it to stand up confidently to the Sun. Mars, responsible for the expulsion of this zodiac sign, will change the polarity of his emanations due to its overall position. Since the Red Warrior is the direct antagonist of Venus, he will fully block her negativity that could have appeared at the dawn of the third ten-day period of the month. As a result, the Libras will end up being in quite a positive situation where the sum positive energy of the forces that have influence on those born under this sign will be higher than the sum of the negative energy. The only real danger comes from the Black Moon, since it is a direct antagonist of Saturn, one of the key players this month.
One way or another, but the sphere of entrepreneurship and business will be positive for the Libras in April 2015. Not everything will go according to plan, but you will resolve the current tasks confidently and efficiently. New projects will arise later and you will simply have to take them on, otherwise you will miss all of your chances. However, there is a likelihood that you might be betrayed at a certain moment. To avoid this, you should remain attentive throughout the entire month. You should pay special attention to your colleagues, as they are the ones that are most likely to let you down, even unintentionally. Towards the dawn of the second ten-day period, you will feel a new influx of strength and will have to use it to resolve the most relevant problem. Do not worry if you will be unable to resolve some menial tasks, the current position of stars will not allow you to be victorious in all situations anyways. Of course, the final decision is up to you and potentially you are capable of affecting any part of your life to the fullest degree. However, the barriers of circumstances will be at their peak right now.
In the sphere of personal relationships, in April 2015 the Libras will have to fight for their happiness. While the situation will be general in your favour, towards the end of the first ten-day period you will have to try hard, because the Black Moon will become active. Towards the end of the second ten-day period (New Moon at April 19), this celestial body may leave the horizons of your life and you will be able to breathe in easily. Try to be as close to your lover as possible throughout this period. Leave work as early as possible, give her gifts, have romantic evenings. This will allow you to minimize the possibility of arguments, which later may become an array of serious issues. If you will be tender and collected, then you will be able to overcome this period without any serious losses. The main thing is not to reach conflict, even if you really want to. Negative celestial emanations will try to throw you off track, but do not react to dubious new directions, remember why you are here and what goals you put forth for yourself. Strong principles and a clear heart may create miracles, so never despair.
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