April 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Pisces
The zodiac sign of Pisces will feel a very diverse influence of many planets in April 2014. An especially intriguing nuance of the current period will lie in the fact that the representatives of this sign will be fully protected against the current (especially solar) negativity. This does not at all mean that the Pisces will have it easier than the other signs. Mercury, traditionally responsible for the expulsion of this sign, will have a defining influence in the sphere of entrepreneurship and business. That is why the Pisces should try as hard as they can to maintain at least their status, not even talking about any significant victories. Jupiter, the planet-ruler of the sign of Pisces, will play the role of a powerful energetic screen that will protect the people of this sign mostly from the negative emanations of the Sun, Pluto, and other aggressive planets. Jupiter will not have strength for anything else, so you should not await direct support. Venus, the planet-exalt of Pisces, will be strong enough so that the representatives of this sign may await certain bonuses in any sphere of life.
The word direction in April 2015 will bring a plethora of problems and issues for the Pisces. The scale of these problems will be directly dependant on your actions in the previous life stage. You can call it karma, but the stars speak of fairness. That is why you will have it worse of all, if you were dishonest in the past. Right now, it is important that you will be able to live through this time without any losses. Try to pay attention to those around you and during one moment, you will find a useful idea amidst the flow of irrelevancy. This idea may just change your life. This, by the way, is relevant not only to the month of April. If you already have your own business, do not aim to make deals that may seem quite great. You might be a victim of a lie in this case. Be attentive and careful; try to consider all of the information that is available for you. If you do not have your own business, but occupy a leading position - think about your HR policy. It is likely that now is the time for serious corrections in this sphere. Common employees are recommended to pay attention to the opinions of management and to spread their resources strategically, without aiming to realize all of the projects that are available for them.
The love front will not be as ambiguous as the business sphere for the Pisces in April 2015. The current problems will slowly go to the background, and instead issues that are much more serious and large will face you. Perhaps,. Many of them were already protected and you will be ready for those. In regards to sudden problems, remember that Venus will help you just after the fact, so there is no sense to rely on her intuition and your feelings may lead you astray. On the other side, the heart is always sincere and never makes a mistake. The mind, however, may interpret the situation incorrectly. This is your problem and later it will be harder to explain yourself. Concentrate and think. Currently not everything is important, despite the fact that it might seem there is a million of problems that require immediate resolution. Right now, there is just one important point in time and space. That is your lover. That is the person you should protect and defend, rely on that. Overall, just try to be yourself and do not aim to change the world, even though nobody says that is impossible.
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