2015 Horoscope for Tiger Zodiac Sign

2015 Horoscope Tiger

Chinese 2015 Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Tiger, for the 2015 Green Wood RAM Year

In 2015 the Tigers will be so successful as if they've got the goddess of love Venus Herself and the President of a country for their relatives. As you can tell, there won't be any failures, problems and refusals on any of the fronts. However, it's common knowledge that value of an item is inversely proportionate to the effort put into getting one; thus, people may misinterpret the reality around them. The horoscope advises the Tigers to remember that if a boar volunteers to be your dinner and submissively lies down at your feet with an apple in its mouth, it won't be less delicious or nutritious than the one you've been hunting all over the jungles. During the 2015 year of the Wood Sheep (Ram, Goat) many pleasures will simply be flowing right into your hands while others will spend months of useless attempts to get those. Learn to appreciate the gifts of life; otherwise stars may get offended and turn away from their ungrateful fosterlings for a long time. Many Tigers in 2015 will focus solely on what interests them and their points of interest will be clubbing, fashion and their own health. It's indisputable that spending a day barbequing out in the country is much more enjoyable than sitting in front of a computer in a stuffy office; but both options are important components of our life. Sharing good times with family and friends helps us reenergize and bond with our dear ones; at the same time, hard work lets us earn enough money to enjoy life. In the year of the Wooden Sheep the horoscope advises the Tigers to not get carried away with fun side of life and not ignore work; otherwise, prolonged carefree leisure may transition to an uneasy stage of unemployment.

When it comes to love, the horoscope suggests people should show restraint and caution. If you are used to attacking your prey without even thinking twice about it and while in a jump wonder if your prey could actually turn out to be a hunter, it is time to change your tactics! Be very careful when you choosing a partner; after all, life paths should be traveled in the company of nice interesting people. If you feel that your partner and you are moving discordantly, at different speeds, at different times and maybe even toward different goals, this means you made a mistake when choosing your other half. In 2015 some Tigers, on feeling their power, will decide to exercise total control over their significant others. Striped jealous creatures will start controlling their every step, listen to their every breath and watch their every glance which, obviously, will not be taken well by those who are so closely watched. Picture yourself in your partner's shoes and ask yourself a question: would you want to walk the path of life being dragged by a strong leash with a collar that would painfully dig into your neck every time you deviate off course? People should be together because they want to; and if your loved one decides to leave, nothing will stop them. Keep this in mind and don't be torturing your significant other with jealous reproaching and nagging.

Those Tigers who put laziness and light-mindedness aside will be able to achieve many things in 2015. Certainly, even in the past your success was a reason for your family to feel proud of you and your for your foes to feel envious; however, in the upcoming year your achievements will be exceptionally remarkable. You are like a rare flower which looked beautiful as a bud, but becomes even more amazing on having finally opened up and revealed all its colors. The 2015 Wood Sheep Year will help the Tigers fight their restraining shyness and showcase their every talent to the world. The horoscope advises you to remember that in the new year the road to success lies through people's hearts and you'll have to work closely with your colleagues ad business partners. Be more willing to participate in team projects - this will allow you to not only learn something new and gain valuable experience, but improve your professional reputation. If you spend day after day buried under the piles of papers, no one but your manager will know how skillful and knowledgeable you really are. As soon as life makes you step out of your comfort zone and work closer with people, you'll have a chance to demonstrate your best qualities to them. Think of your office as a huge theatre.

Surely, it is way easier to sit way in the back and play a part of an inconspicuous spectator; but keep in mind that it's those who stand on the stage in the bright spotlight who get all the flowers and applauds. Perhaps, your management and colleagues' attention will be tiresome and annoying to you at times, but you must use your will to put out these negative emotions. Interaction with the most diverse crowd (sometimes lazy, sometimes pushy and sometimes completely weird) is the price the Tigers will have to pay to get access to the professional Olympus. You are capable of much in the year of the Wooden Sheep, but you'll also have to work hard. The key is for you to not settle for the bare minimum of a dry piece of bread crust when life is prepared to lay a festive table for its striped favorites. In 2015 work on your appetite; after all, many treats are awaiting you!

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Comments: 2015 Horoscope Tiger

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TigerLilly 2015-11-05 13:44:25
Fire tiger here. So far this year was full of ups and downs. Finding it hard to stay positive.
firetiger86 2015-09-12 00:52:18
Ugh!!!this year is very very bad for me. I sold my cars and a house. My business falldown. Im empty handed right now,im indepedently living my own with my wife a my kid away to the people and friends who only needs me bcoz of what i have. F*%k them i dont need the. I have my wife and kid who always understand my despite of what i have loss,they never left me. Im full of depress this year. Hope there would be good fortune towards my path..advice pls..
firetiger pisces 2015-11-03 03:10:28
I'm a fire tiger and my zodiac sign is Pisces.
this year lots of opportunities offer but i encounter hardship..and money come easily but still got lost..easily..but i think Let's just be positive in life...think positive that you will overcome everything and look at your lucky number also the day you were born if two number just add it to make it lower and that's your lucky number but lastly just pray to God and offer it to Him and everything follows!...
Tfire 2015-10-09 18:27:42
Seems like all the fire tigers are having a rough time of it this year. I'm struggling to stay positive in this shitstorm!
I think there is a little something to this horoscope stuff, but all the predictions are bollocks!
Ryan 2015-08-27 01:51:13
Fire Tiger here!!!!! This year has been a challenge but somehow I'm always able to find someone to help me! Two awesome girl friends down the drain though, I broke up with them, but at least when they were with me they were able to help me out. Also, took some crazy classes can't believe I passed them! Had to seek help but it wasn't hard to get help. I think this year provides many resources you just have to utilize them and not be afraid to ask for help! It's an up and down year but it's causing me to become stronger minded! Embrace the year tigers! Tiger power!!
mFire 2015-08-18 07:19:31
2015... I am irritated with everyone who is not helping me. I am pressured to lay good foundation for change this year. Very distracted from others... completely flying solo. Trying to not depend. Work is challenging but I have more free time than 2014. Love started good, ended bad and I seem to be more popular with the opposite sex than ever. I feel patience, endurance and a positive mind is what I need this year and maintaining it gives me great inner peace and joy. Lots of adventures also. Money... so far so good but its more a year of sowing than reaping.
Good luck all. I rely on social superiority alot this year.
wood tiger 2015-08-12 02:31:59
2014 I did better.
2015 literally went down hill...Can't trust these bs anymore...
Mina 2015-05-28 22:40:01
Not good for me ! I'm wood tiger and I wish I could be a president in my relatives since I have no money to help my mother , she is very sick and needs hospital bills and don't know she can through it or not ! It's fun to read fortune teller but not always true ! I'm still waiting for my miracle !
Ho 2015-05-03 09:19:53
I am Water tiger and so far year 2015 for me has been.....
My boy friend was from oz and I went over visited him during lunar new year and found out he get to know a new lover who totally captivated him and he treated me cold and badly during my stay. Unwelcoming and keep it distance. I went rock bottom, lost my heart, my interest and my focus totally affect my work performance.

My job condition is also bad. Business been slow since late last year yet our management is doing nothing to reverse the situation so might be out of job soon.

Back home family relationships is ok only my dad health is declining so it only matter of time he be ....

Hope things will improve soon .... Too much stress to handle since the start of 2015
Tiger62 2015-05-10 07:00:35
Very interesting your comments. Too much stress for me also this year. This year is getting ridiculous for water tigers. Email me at apd62@att.net
Tiger62 2015-04-12 19:38:17
Just found out I am a Water Tiger (1962).2014 was downright terrible. Money very tight, wife incessantly bitching and complaining (and doing nothing to help)just endless negativity. 2015 so far at least 20 times worse. Wife of 24 years ran off to Florida and shacked up ex-husband while I was at hard at work until 0300 hours. House in foreclosure. Personal vehicle on last legs. Credit shot. Will likely soon be unemployed as will need to raid retirement account to get funds to pay attorney for representation in upcoming divorce case as the sweet little thing wants half my city retirement pension to help support her and her convicted felon ex husband. Now they're trying to have me arrested for "harassment" in Florida for sending text messages to my wife. (me being a 33 year career police officer in Georgia) LOL, don't know how much more punishment this water tiger can take ! The scary part is there are 8 more months left in 2015 ! Any other water tigers having this much misfortune in 2015 ?
Kruchek 2015-03-10 13:48:22
Wood tiger here, Last year was ok did start a very nice business with lots of intrigues..... This 2015 I pushed through but due to marital problems I'm in between working on my business & personal..... After 6 years of marriage I believe I have to let go..... Then fully continue with business
GHD 2015-02-19 23:34:45
Wood a tiger here, the latter half of 2014 and 2015 have been awful. I hope this New Year is better!
Earth-Tiger 2015-02-19 18:01:12
2014 was incredible for me - lots of clarity in all areas - and I can see 2015 even more AAhhhMaaaZing!!
rosa 2015-02-19 05:47:55
well, I am a fire tiger. I am looking forward to the 2015 new year!

wood Tiger 74 2015-02-19 03:56:28
My 2015 started roughly...i hope once March is in things will start being brighter...
Coco 2015-02-20 03:25:50
Message from wood Tiger 74
My 2015 started roughly...i hope once March is in things will start being brighter...

Mine too and I'm a wood tiger 74.
Fingers crossed for us.
Macanapi 2015-02-19 02:33:54
I am a fire Tiger, last year if may i say in a positive way, was a balanced one, got my happiness and got also my sorrow until early of these year. Career wasnt that good for me, but family has been really great and its made me 200% promise to myself that I wont let my family down. Hope this year my career and income may flawless and can achieve all of my dreams
Jeo 2015-02-18 02:38:30
2014 was a really really bad year for me, so I'm really really looking forward to 2015!! Let's go, fellow Tigers! Let's ROOOAAARRR!!
Klaus 2015-02-17 18:56:50
F*kin hell u just fully described me mate I'm being so c*cky lately n annoyed by ppl around me. N thnx I'll keep it in mind and be careful
martianTiger 2015-02-17 14:24:33
Hi Guys! Im a Fire Tiger born (sep 1, 1986 - Male). 2014 Had been a great experience for me, I don't know about how bad you guys are experiencing. To me it was great! 🙂 , its simple a balance outcome. I put it simply by understanding the practice of gratitude. Just a share to most tigers, let's continue practicing gratitude and for sure there is no reason to complain. Am I right about it? 🙂
Tee 2015-02-13 06:32:02
Maybe I am the odd one out, but as a fire tiger 2014 was an amazing year for me. New business and wealth, newfound direction and career, great health, however my love life has been bad the last few years. Hopefully 2015 is much better!!
phoenix tiger 2015-02-16 10:58:03
Always keep your head held high, because people will never see your beautiful face if you are staring at the floor.
tiger18 2015-02-08 06:58:34
We tiger are very courageous! So no matter what happen if our year is bad we can still stand strong! I'm looking forward for 2015 i already felt and predict my success and luck this 2015! Good luck my fellow tigers! ROAR!
Lk 2015-01-21 12:06:27
I am wood tiger. Last year was good for me. I hope this year will bring me more luck.
danny 2015-01-14 03:37:43
I am metal Tiger. I am so grateful for finding this site. Last year was un-believable. Nov 17th 2014 the energy of the universe started to change, this is wired. When the student is ready you appear. WOW!
J 2015-01-08 11:35:45
2014 was indeed difficult but I learned a lot through my mistakes and what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. So here's to a good 2015! So far I see things start to change for the better and I'm hopeful but will try my best and not leave it all to chance. Hard work and best of luck to my fellow Tigers! Roar!
Ana 2015-01-06 12:30:44
I'm a fire tiger. I can't believe how many of you tigers had such similar negative experiences in 2014. It really was the most horrific year of my life. Since February 2014,literally every month i hurt in some horrible way. I know 100% 2015 will be amazing for us, it can't be any worse than 2014, that's for sure.
Megna 2015-03-14 06:10:22
I am a fire tiger horoscope and i had the worst year 2014 of my entire life .
Nino 2015-01-06 11:18:59
Same with me, I have't been happy since 2010, AND ih sve been cheated for big amount 2014. I hope this year can bring happened back

Tiff 2015-01-01 01:40:58
I hear you Tigers! 2014 has been the hardest year of my life so far. Lots of heartache, confusion, and loneliness. I hope 2015 brings us the strength and peace to find happiness again.
lloyd.16 2014-12-26 08:11:23
In this year is my worst of my life, but in the past few years much more luck I get. I hope in this year is more lucky will I get.
INTIA MARIO 2014-12-25 04:10:52
jenny 2014-12-22 14:08:07
I and my hubby has not been in good terms for many years I hope this year is different..
tigeress 2014-12-20 05:38:49
Agree. Ive had the worst year in my entire life. Every month of this chinese year has had some major drama. So many 'so close' moments. Sounds like there is hope on the horizon though .... tigers r so tough. Hav a great year everyone! xx
Boon 2014-12-18 13:15:47
Last few years were terrible, especially this year when my wife asked for divorce. Hope 2015 will be good year for Tiger.

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