February 2015 Horoscope Sagittarius

February 2015 Horoscope Sagittarius

February 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

In February 2015, the zodiac sign of Sagittarius will feel an exceptionally strong influence of Venus, its traditional exalt. The positive emanations of the Goddess of Love will be multiplied due to her general position and some combinations with the Sun and Neptune, which will play the role of the "celestial leader" of the Fire trigon. Also, you should not the fact that Mars, being the antagonist of Venus, will lose a lion's share of his negativity and will be incapable of causing the Sagittarius any sensible harm. Chiron and Jupiter, however, will be able to provide the representatives of this zodiac sign with some amount of problems. You should especially note Jupiter, since in his usual position he is the ruler of Sagittarius, which means that he perfectly knows the weak spots of this sign. That is why the Sagittarius should be especially attentive this month in all life spheres. It is unlikely that this sign can expect any truly massive problems, but being careful would not be excessive.

The direction of finances and business in February 2015 will be quite stable for the Sagittarius, even though in reality everything will be quite different. Towards the dawn of the first ten-day period you will feel that something is happening around you. Personally, you may not be privy to the plans of management and there might be several reasons for it. If you are a line employee, then everything is happening the way it should and you should not worry. Just do your work and towards the end of the second ten-day period, it is likely that you will find some new opportunities that were previously hidden from you. If you occupy a relatively high position, however, but do not know anything about what is happening around you - that must mean that you are not trusted. You should not, however, take everything close to heart and act on a hot head. Maybe you are guilty in what is happening and some of your actions in the past has brought a loss of trust in you. In either case, right now is the prime time to change everything and start realizing your plans. Do not separate yourself from your colleagues, even if you think that they are wrong in something. All of us are people and each one of us has our own nuances. However, if you root for different soccer teams it does not at all mean that you have nothing to talk about. Think whether the law of opposites attracting is true or not.

The sphere of personal relationships in February 2015 will not be as rich with opportunities, although here you will be capable of stabilizing relationships that have been a source of problems for you since long ago. We are talking about family relationships or even friendships. Currently, Venus will be fully on your side, while the area of feelings is her operating ground. The problem that have been worrying you for a long time now will find its own resolution. It is likely that the resolution will be quite simple, but you were incapable of reaching it for a number of reasons, including stereotypical thinking. This will be a good lesson for you, one that will teach you to look at the world as it is and through a much wider lens than is dictated by the way you were raised or taught. Moreover, pay attention to your distant relatives. Some event will be connected with them that may change your plans in the future, while not radically, but sufficiently to introduce new variables. In either case, try not to separate yourself from new sudden offers, even if they go against all of your initial plans. Venus teaches you to be flexible, to listen to your heart and to harmonize your wishes with how things are.

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Comments: February 2015 Horoscope Sagittarius

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bls261 2015-02-10 19:01:09
The hirsocope guides the way we look at things around us and developes the mind for future ideas.
Bikash Singh 2015-02-03 18:36:44
I don"t like believes in such a horoscope sometime bcuz most of words are gone wrong , in 100% i believes only 25% but hsrdly .

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