March 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Pisces
The status of the zodiac sign of Pisces will be almost identical to the one of Sagittarius in March 2015, although the Water trigon does not have a "celestial leader" at the moment. At the same time, due to the exclusive position of the Moon, the Water signs hold a variety of unique advantages, manifested mostly in the sharpening of intuition. Venus, the traditional exalt of the Pisces sign, will partly change her positive emanations to negative ones due to its general position. This will not be a large sway to the "dark side", however, the Priestess of Love is unlikely to provide any help at this moment. Mercury, however, will be a true ally in his field of sales, diplomacy and finances. That is despite the fact that in his usual position, he is responsible for the expulsion of Pisces. Jupiter, the planet-ruler of this sign, will most likely occupy a neutral position, even though it is likely to see occasional bursts of positive emanations from this celestial object. The Pisces will be able to resolve their health problems quickly and efficiently right now; this being the rarest of cases, when the influence of circumstances will be much stronger than the goals of the people themselves.
The sphere of finances and entrepreneurship will be such a direction for Pisces in March 2015 that will bring many unforgettable and wonderful events. First, your earnings will rise significantly. If you have your own business, you will be able to raise your capacity to another level. If you work for someone, then it is likely that you will be offered a new position. Obviously the reason for this metamorphosis will lie in the events that happened much earlier, and if you exercise your memory then you will be able to easily identify the causes. However, something is much more important right now. Your life may change drastically, it all depends on the decisions that you make in the first month of spring. Concentrate on your desires and do not pay any attention to competitors, they will definitely not have the strength required to do something bad to you. Do not doubt yourself and your goals, doubts are your main and most evil of enemies (it is likely that you know this yourself). Think about those that are around you, listen to your relatives. Maybe they have pushed you towards a certain idea that will be determinate for you right now.
It is curious, but such an advice will be no less relevant for the sphere of personal relationships. Something will change in you and the world around you will follow the change. Do not be afraid of it, luckily the changes will happen when the stars want to provide you with a powerful, dynamic flow of positivity. If you are alone, then maybe it is not the best time to search for a second half. It is better that you concentrate on those that are close to you, especially on your friends. The first month of spring can bring many unusual events, which later may become vivid and sincere memories. So should you reject them? If you decide that you should, then your choice will be taken by those around you without a problem, but later you will doubt it yourself. If you have a lover, then maybe the most wondrous elements of March will be connected with her. It is up to you to make these moments even more large-scale and original. Use your fantasy, do not limit yourself. At the same time, remember that you should abide by certain limits at all times, otherwise your world will descend into a pool of chaos.
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Comments: March 2015 Horoscope Pisces
That seems a bit fishy.
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