2015 Good & Bad days Horoscope for Scorpio Zodiac Sign

2015 Good & Bad days Horoscope Scorpio

Scorpio Good & Bad days Horoscope 2015 for the year of the Green Wood Ram

You've been through a lot the past couple years, Scorpio. Saturn being in your sign for the past couple of years has really wreaked havoc on your life, and you are beyond over it. Thankfully, 2015 promises to rid you of the issues that Saturn has caused. You will see Saturn out of your sign, officially, by August 1, so the second half of this year will be wonderful for you! You've been through more than any person should have, and you've learned many lessons, more than you probably really needed to learn. No doubt, you're ready to move on, and that's what 2015 is all about for you. You've got quite a few make-up transits coming your way this year, as the universe's way of saying it's sorry for putting you through the Saturn transit. First, we see Jupiter entering your dream sector on August 11, and then we'll have Mars entering the same sector from September 25 through November 12. And, as if this wasn't enough of a gift for you, you'll also have the solar eclipse occurring on September 13. What does all this mean, exactly? Well, for you, this means you are given an immense opportunity to make your dreams come true. This is something you should really be looking forward to, as you've been through so much up to now, that anything good sounds perfect to you. Regardless of whether or not you've been presented with said opportunity, you will still have the energy and drive to make any dream a reality, so go out there and make it happen! Basically, the universe is all but telling you to get out there and make your dreams come true, so make sure you take full advantage of this opportunity, it was tailor-made just for you! Enjoy your 2015, Scorpio, you've more than earned it!

January will be a hard month for you to get through. You'll let your emotions rule all, and that will be a problem, especially with family. You'll be picking fights left and right over every single thing, and not only will it affect your relationships, it'll affect your psyche as well. You can't get on the same wavelength with anyone, and it'll get on your nerves big-time. You'll also get a bit clumsy, breaking too many things to count. But, look a little closer into the chaos that has engulfed your life, especially mid-month. The cosmos are trying to tell you something, are you listening?

In February, you'll want to party first, and work later. The first half of the month will be all about you having a good time and completely ignoring any responsibility you have, telling yourself you'll "get to it later". You don't want to do anything that resembles work, and will "forget" about it until it disappears fully from your mind. However, that does a complete 180 the second half of the month. You'll be the poster child of working hard this time, not having any time for having fun. This time, you'll let all the invites for fun, and any hobbies that you might have fall to the wayside. It's a good, balanced month for you, but it's an extreme way of doing it.

The solar eclipse in March comes at a great time for you. This event, which occurs on the 20th, will present you with a brand-new opportunity, project, or even a job that will intrigue you. Not only will it intrigue you, you'll actually be excited to get going with this new opportunity! But, if you're not feeling the new opportunity all that much, you can look into making a few changes in order to be happy about the opportunities presented to you. Then, the job/opportunities/projects presented to you will be what you really want, and you won't regret anything you've done to get to this point.

April's lunar eclipse has you an emotional mess during that month, Scorpio. Since it happens very early in the month, the 4th to be exact, you could very well be this way until April ends. Old habits die real hard this month, and it'll be hard to let go of the past. But, with any lunar eclipse, anything holding you back must come to an end. Take a look at the baggage you've been dragging around with you. Do you really need it? More than likely, that answer is a resounding NO, so let it go and move on. It'll be harder than you thought, but you'll feel so much better once you do.

You're normally an emotional person, and in the beginning of May, you'll feel extremely moody, definitely more than usual, but you can't necessarily point to why you're so moody. And, this is a stronger feeling than normal, it'll be difficult for you to reign in your words and actions. There is an easy fix to this, however. Make sure you aren't around situations that will get you started, as it'll be much harder to stop now. There's no need to be so emotional right now, and although you can't help it, there's probably an actual reason why you're this way. Think about it: have you been avoiding something so much that you feel like you've been constantly running? You need to face this head-on if you want to feel normally emotional again.

You've been through so much the past few years, and in June, you'll reflect on all you've learned. It'll be one of those revelation months, where you think back and realize what happened was for the better, and not just to make your life miserable. Not only have you learned about what and who to let go of, you've learned about yourself in a deeper way than you ever thought possible. You know what you want now, and you know how to get it. You're more the wiser, and you're ready to move on and see where everything you've learned takes you in your life!

In July, you'll come to realize that you'll need to get moving on your career. You've had more than a year to fully get everything together in that category, including preparation and any other goals that go along with it. Make sure you make the most of the time you have left to pursue your goals, or else you'll miss out. The end of the month, you'll really feel the push to get your goals in line. Don't waste an opportunity, pursue anything you want...just don't miss out!

Remember how rushed you were last month to complete your goals and be fully happy with your career? Well, hopefully, you heeded the warning, because August comes along, and you'll fully lose any ambition you had to get your life in order. Good impressions mean nothing to you this month, and you just feel plain old lazy. Clearly, you won't feel like yourself, and everyone has taken notice. Now, we do have Jupiter entering your dream sector on the 11th, so you'll want to shake off whatever funk you're in so you can start taking advantage of a very prosperous time for your sign.

The past comes back to haunt you in September, and you'll just be annoyed by its reappearance. You know you were supposed to deal with this matter beforehand, when it was in your life the first time, but you didn't, and now you have another chance to end it and move on. Do it, because you won't be able to get rid of the matter until you do. Plus, you'll feel the weight fall off your shoulders, and who doesn't love it when that happens? You do have a couple events occurring this month as well: Mars entering your dream sector on the 25th and the solar eclipse on the 13th. By tying all your loose ends, including annoying past repeaters, you'll be able to fully take on your dreams and start something good for yourself.

Resist the urge to let doubt creep into your inner self in October, Scorpio. It'll be so easy to do this month, especially around mid-month. Even slightly questioning yourself leaves you vulnerable to self-doubt, so try to be confident in all that you do. You'll soon find out that the self-doubt that has manifested this month will be extremely difficult to remove from your psyche, so be careful of what you think about and any projects that you may try to take on that might not fit your expertise.

If you remember the song, "With a Little Help from My Friends", you'll know what's in store for you in November. Your friends and loved ones are there for you, always, so now it's time to ask them for help. Don't try to go at it alone, you won't have much success. Any issues you might be having this month can be tackled in a group, so let your friends in and let them help you. They'll be more than happy to oblige, and you'll get so much done. We'll see the Mars event from September ending on the 12th, so the beginning of the month will be busy for you and your friends.

December has you feeling lovely. You're in such a good mood, and you're so happy that those who know you well will look at you like you're crazy. You're really happy with your life the way it is at the moment, and you don't want to ruin it with any drama. The end of the month, basically Christmas to New Year's, will really have you at your most pleasant. You should enjoy your life. You've been through so much up to this point, and now that you're happy, you shouldn't want to change it. Have fun with your loved ones, and do what makes you happy. It's what life is all about.

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Read Scorpio 2015 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

January 2015 Scorpio Horoscope February 2015 Scorpio Horoscope March 2015 Scorpio Horoscope April 2015 Scorpio Horoscope May 2015 Scorpio Horoscope June 2015 Scorpio Horoscope July 2015 Scorpio Horoscope August 2015 Scorpio Horoscope September 2015 Scorpio Horoscope October 2015 Scorpio Horoscope November 2015 Scorpio Horoscope December 2015 Scorpio Horoscope

Comments: 2015 Good & Bad days Horoscope Scorpio

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Suzanne 2015-10-25 01:35:02
January to June a complete nightmare. Worse 6 months of my life so fae
Scorpio 2015-09-19 21:10:26
I read this as I've had so much bad luck in work, family and buying process for a property over the last year. I used to believe in karma and things happen for a reason, yet I see unkind people doing amazingly well or progressing in their life. It's hard to 'be strong' and 'be positive' but I'll persevere. Onwards and upwards, you're not alone, let's send one another good energy, life will change. X
Deepti 2015-08-25 12:14:27
From Jan to July....i had struggled....somewhat better now...hoping peaceful year ahead :-)
Scorpious#1 2015-08-04 04:32:15
I have gone through some crazy stuff, a living nightmare🙁 I really hope things get better. I feel mentally and physically drained.
Vincy Vaz 2015-08-02 11:41:00
Year start was not so good,
as of now its ok,
hope good days are in store,
towards the end of the year.
Jilted 2015-05-24 12:47:44
Jan - May have been horrendous for me and i can't see it getting better anytime soon.
sally 2015-01-07 07:10:02
i look forward to the gift of the universe!

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