September 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio
For the zodiac sign of Scorpio, the first month of autumn - September 2015, will be a time that is quite negative, even though objectively the representatives of this sign will be strong enough to deal with any urgent task. Such a difficult situation will develop because Saturn, which has traditionally played the role of exalt of the sign of Scorpio, will replace the modality and the dynamics of his emanations. As a result, the Scorpios will lose the lion's share of energy and a powerful ally, who at a critical moment could have dramatically changed the situation in their favor. Fortunately, the Lord of the Rivers of Time will not emit a really powerful energy flow and in fact its effect will be limited by the lack of his support. At the same time the Moon, which is responsible for the fall of Scorpio, will be greatly enhanced due to some interstellar combinations. It's really a negative point, which will manifest itself in the appearance of very serious problems in the working direction, because this is where the Moon will focus its emanations. Venus is responsible for the expulsion of the sign of Scorpio and will have a direct impact on the world of personal relationships and will unequivocally spoil the plans of the representatives of this sign. Fortunately, Mars, the planet-ruler of the sign of Scorpio, will retain its traditional position and will have his charge get all the necessary support.
As already mentioned, the field of entrepreneurship and business will host a negative mood for the zodiac sign of Scorpio in September 2015 due to the Moon. This means that from the first days of the month you will feel powerful and extremely unpleasant pressure. Most likely, your main opponent will be the surrounding circumstances. That is, if we are talking about a situation where a large enough role will be allocated to luck or any other uncontrollable factors, you can be one hundred percent sure that they will align against you. On the one hand this is a big problem, but at the same time you are forewarned and already know exactly which situations are best avoided. Therefore, if you can minimize the number of such moments, you will have all the chances to survive this month without significant losses. At the same time, it is better not to enter into any significant agreements, even if you think that everything is under control. There is a high probability of occurrence of any negative situations, which means - you need to be doubly careful.
The direction of personal relations in September 2015 will be no less equivocal and ambiguous for the Scorpio than the scope of work. At the same time, Venus will be clearly weaker than the Moon, so you will have a significant chance to overcome all obstacles, regardless of their quality characteristics. The first thing to pay attention to is your lover, because this month most of the sensory-emotional problems will be associated with her in particular. If you already know the weaknesses of your second half very well, it will be easier, because you will clearly understand on what specifically you should focus your mind. If you got together relatively recently, then be prepared for surprises, for the most part - unpleasant ones. Most likely, you will have to forget about hanging out with friends and cancel almost all of their plans. Otherwise, you will encounter many problems, right until the break-up. However, the opposite outcome is possible, because you might as well set your own priorities. In any case, you will not be able to keep all of your communications and will have to choose what kind of relationship will have to take on sacrifices for the sake of others.
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While it's important to note the dangers it's equally important to note the goodness we can expect if our cards are played as well as we possibly can play them via life's rollercoaster.
Happy September to all x
And again this handful of hatred towards scorpios. I don't know who did you wrong but I am not reading this anymore. God speed.
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