Aquarius Money Horoscope 2016 for the year of the Red Fire Monkey
For almost half of the upcoming year, up until the beginning of May, Aquarius will be, so to say, in the limelight. Throughout this tough period you yourself will be literally arresting the desires of others; yes, precisely desires and the most diverse ones. Situation will worsen by the fact that the professional aspect of your life will be requiring your undivided attention and it's easy to guess that your future financial state will depend directly on your success in this direc-tion. This will be quite dynamic and bright period of time, full of various uneasy situations. Nonetheless, you will succeed, since Aquarius has a peculiar ability to get away with every-thing. If you haven't discovered this magnificent talent of yours, this is the best time to do it.
The situation will somewhat change between May and July, since by the beginning of this peri-od your hard work should yield quite noticeable results. Meaning that it's crucial to solve all of your issues by the last autumn month. You will have to focus on work at this point, since from now on things will take a serious turn. You do want to have a nice fat money-belt, don't you? In fact, by the beginning of summer the working process should balance out and though it won't be requiring a lion's share of your attention, it doesn't mean that you should ignore your ac-countancy. If you run your own business, it's quite reasonable at this point to follow a simple rule: trust everybody, but cut the cards. If you are working for somebody and holding quite a responsible position, you'd better focus on making changes to your personnel policy. If you are a regular office worker, then it's time to think of radical changes, perhaps you need to think of finding a new job. All these guidelines will help you get ready for the upcoming period, espe-cially concerning financial aspect.
The time period from August to November will take the automation of business processes to a new level and as a result your income will increase. If this is not your case, you are facing sig-nificantly endless opportunities for your business development. You will have to analyse care-fully all your actions for the past year, look through all documentation to find your mistake. The stars are quite precise in this case: there is a real possibility of taking your business (or your department) to an absolutely new level, and if you are not experiencing this at the mo-ment, it means something went wrong. Stay on the lookout, but don't go to the extreme; you can easily forget about present by digging in the past. Though there won't be too many ques-tions requiring your undivided attention , you will still have to work on them.
December will turn out to be the brightest month of the upcoming year, especially concerning your income. Meaning that at this point you will feel a powerful energy outburst (thanks to Mercury, your constant supporter) that will help you find the solution to any problem. You shouldn't, however, focus too much on accumulating resources, don't forget to present yourself and beloved ones with some pleasant expenditures.
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