November 2016 Monthly Horoscope for Pisces
For the zodiac sign Pisces, November of 2016 will be quite an unusual and controversial month, because one of the key antagonists of the whole heaven belt, Jupiter, will be in the position of "heavenly leader" of the water trine this month. This phenomenon will be specifically reflected and noticeable for Pisces, so it makes sense to think seriously about the likelihood of implementing your plans. Apart from Jupiter, Venus, the exaltation planet of your sign, will have a direct influence on your life in the current stage. And this is extremely positive because the celestial priestess will help you to endure even the most complex and unclear situations. However, you shouldn't think that the stars will do everything for you. You will have to implement everything yourself, with your own hands, regardless of your status, rank, or privileges. In fact, it looks quite natural, and Pisces, most of whom are usually direct or latent (sorry for the wording) workaholics, will accept the situation. Fortunately, Mercury, which is usually responsible for the "fall" of your sign, will not receive support even from Jupiter, even though that's what is expected from it.
In particular, the sphere of work in November 2016 for Pisces may not be too dynamic, but uniquely effective. No out of the ordinary events are expected, but it is necessary to make allowances for the already repeatedly mentioned influence of Jupiter. In fact, the situation will not be so easy and it's possible that once your twice you could regret paying too little attention to urgent problems. Be careful, you do not need to put forth excessive effort, and no special resources will be required from you, but note one simple fact: now your main opponents will have serious advantages. This is particularly true for those Pisces who work for themselves. Under no circumstances waste your time; if you have a "spare moment", use it to receive some "bonus", though not too significant, albeit it a real bonus for the future. Now it does not matter; at this time it is more important to draw the right conclusions from the situation and promptly (in this situation) respond to it. There will be no difficulties in your choice of events because there will be a clear and obvious way-out. And how quickly you will be able to "respond" to your detractors (not only people, but also circumstances) is quite another matter.
The "love life" for Pisces in November of 2016 will be much more balanced and harmonious in comparison to the situation in the field of finance and business. We're talking about the fact that you won't have to make fundamental decisions which will determine a lot, really a lot. It will be enough to concentrate on your feelings and just "go with the flow", to let the river of emotions "wash ashore" and point in the right direction. Another issue is how clearly you understand yourself and your real needs. As they say, if the ship has no course, no wind will be fair to him. The metaphor is trite and frankly boring, but now it comes in handy, because in regard to emotional attitude, many Pisces at this stage may have problems of perception.
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Comments: November 2016 Horoscope Pisces
How do I come out of this as he once in a week keeps recalling my past life(talking about XBoy friend and friends).
Advice please as we are planning to get married but I'm trying to delay.
I have no obsession or problems with perceptions
Great person truthful and no hidden agendas
This person hounred and accepted me never plays with my affections or emotions - to those who are haters what goes around comes around
I made wonderful choices in life - I'm in control of my life and he fulfils me
Love is amazing
I feel completely balanced in my partnership
Mutual respect
Common feelings
He makes me feel special everyday
We are based on trust
I never felt I'm manipulated
My fella never had hidden agendas to milk me for money hard earned saved money
I know he dont slag me off
He makes me feel secure
He don't make me jump when he wants
All his friends honour me
I'm a really independent woman but he makes full complete and balanced he total power
I know I'm am not that good looking but all his friends family and my hubby take me for me - I'm very lucky and a sharp woman hehe knew I had all this the day I stared my secret relationship with him -
He was mates with my ex husband it's brilliant how everything has turned out
This guy is so not unscure and he never hides anything from me - I'm so happy no regrets in all my choices ...
He does not tell his mates I'm his facuated love choice lol
What a partnership to have with a guy with presence
Thank god im very grateful Ms org
They are all laughing about it
They all now thing I'm a easy slag
I was thinking he woke up and found me ugly one day , I didn't know he was playing with my affections , but then again I am not emotional at all
It's not fair I was warned about this and now I have seen my affections have been made a mockery off.
Time to teach him a lesson .
I am planing
but i cannot find out ..
he has been talking to his mates about me being his door mate and called me a slag
should i leave him?
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