September 2016 Horoscope Gemini

September 2016 Horoscope Gemini

September 2016 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

In September of 2016 the zodiac sign Gemini, a representative of the mutable cross of the air trine, will feel comfortable in all respects. That means there will be no bright and large-scale upheavals, although, on the whole, the month will seem to be filled with a variety of events. The year 2016 is generally a quite unusual and dynamic time, and this implies that at this stage such a characteristic as "a calm month" adopts a special status. In September, your main ally will be Saturn, your exaltation, and the second place will be taken by Mercury, the planet-ruler of your sign. Unfortunately, Venus, responsible for the "fall" of Gemini, will also be incredibly strong and its large-scale negatively-tuned emanations will clearly spoil your plans not even once. Although you won't be required to display exceptional efforts and vitality, this month, in fact, will not be easy. Stay cool and do not rush to make hasty decisions, your rationalistic approach is now of paramount importance, while your emotional aspect is secondary. At the same time you should not forget that you're "not alone in the Universe", which means you must make allowances for the opinions and feelings of others. If you adhere to these simple rules, you are guaranteed to go through a really peaceful and harmonious life stage.

If we take a closer look at the working direction, then we'll see that the representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini will find themselves in a rather challenging situation. We are not talking about a total negativity of the stage, quite the contrary: all business will keep "turning around" very successfully. But the situation will get complicated, so to speak, by external circumstances. If you don't work for yourself, in September you can easily fall under the influence by one of your colleagues, and although this impact won't be negative from all sides, there will be little consolation in this situation. As a result, you won't get the finale that you've deserved and strived for. But do not act too openly, do not provoke conflicts, do not try to prove you're right. Be smarter and craftier than your opponents, as the saying goes - keep your friends close and your enemies closer! If you are self-employed, then in September you will have to face a worthy opponent. Who it will be, a fundamentally new rival or a "well-forgotten old one", is difficult to say. But the fact remains: do not rush to make decisions, especially if someone rushes you up.

In terms of emotional and sensory spheres, September of 2016 will also be ambiguous for people born under the sign Gemini. This suggests that you must be doubly vigilant, but avoid straining yourself too much as this can lead to "burn-out", and, as you know, there is nothing positive in such an outcome. In relationships with your "significant other" you should try to be more consistent and reflect (at least once) on what's happening to you. Yes, it will not be easy. Yes, this approach can bring about far-reaching consequences. But now this is something you really need, otherwise you'll fall into the maelstrom of relations, in which you will quickly cease to find yourself around. Sometimes, even the most passionate and selfless senses should be subject to strict analysis, not criticism, but namely unbiased analysis. If you want to, you can always call for your friends' help, but in this case you need to choose your friends very thoroughly, because some will only scoff at your problems, while others will get to the bottom of the problem and offer real assistance. In this regard, you need to be careful and it definitely won't be enough to rely only on your own opinion.

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Comments: September 2016 Horoscope Gemini

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Manu 2016-08-30 17:43:10
Hey cousin is a Gemini and he has had a tough year so far , just want to ask anyOne else other there...
Should he go for counciling with his other half ?
She is real nice and does so much for him and he manipulates her, he give her a good rip once and now he has to honour his postion ! Please advise me so we book him in and surprise him for counciling !

Love Manu & Ricktesh
Willy 2016-08-20 11:10:48
I had a great time with a chick after Roonie scoot
Lol my door mat is brilliant I'm the hero I am saviour
Everyone looks up to me I'm well great
Silly Billy's 2016-07-23 06:40:54
I got my prize
Look at me the saviour and I'm the more happier I saved her and I have her
My boys even say what a bird
I'm the local man - no no I'm not insecure I just like the chase and like to win
I won lol
Silly willy 2016-06-19 05:23:21
I won no one knows about me , me and my local door Mate hide it so well ! We blame it all on the gooney lol
She would make a great mum , so is God sent
Min 2016-08-08 17:20:16
This year has been a great year exactly like last year ... Last year I was dreaming about my Lady Luck this I have her , I am very grateful the stunner and great looker I have besides me is great . I am very happy and in my self for my own choices. A good happy wished like me finally got what I wanted , I am so not limited in my life . Hale to my wisdom hale to my Lady Luck . She left everything for me

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