Astrology forecast for 2016, the year of the Red Fire Monkey. 2016 Horoscope for people born under the Taurus Zodiac sign.
For the zodiac sign Taurus, the year 2016 will be a fairly stable time.
No doubt, there will be a number of twists and turns and some challenging situations, but, on the whole, positive and constructive events will prevail over the negative ones. The first thing that is worth nothing is the strengthened influence of the Moon, which is traditionally responsible for the blossoming of the vitality of Taurus. In other words, according to the 2016 horoscope for Taurus, the Moon indicates what Taurus is willing to acquire and what they are devoid of in a given period. It's hard to tell how strong the influence of this celestial object on the lives of the representatives of your zodiac sign will be, but there is no doubt that you, dear Taureans, can still count on strong and dynamic support in really complex situations. This is a nice bonus rather than a definite basis which you can reasonably rely on while planning any event. Count only on your own strength and do your best, and maybe then (and only then!) at certain moments, when you are just a couple of steps away from the desired goal, can you get some help. And not from some sort of a "superhero", but from those who are close to you. The Moon is to largely determine your social circle, to teach you to control your emotions and to steer your desires in an advantageous direction.
General Anticipated Periods for the Horoscope for Taurus in 2016
One must point out that from the beginning of 2016 to about mid-May, the Moon will exert a rather indirect influence. Moreover, Pluto, a dark planet with devastating powers, will affect the lives of Taurus in the winter and early spring. It is not difficult to guess that this fact will not bring about the most positive time in the life of Taurus. It will be necessary to mobilize all your resources and by no means succumb to provocations, even if they come from those who you've known for a long time and you have become accustomed to. As a matter of fact, even friendship, which is seemingly strong, incredibly powerful and almost indestructible, can easily turn into into hostility and even open animosity. Best friends make the best enemies. This has nothing to do with Tom and Jerry. The reality is usually more serious and large-scale. With this being said, the psychology of men is pretty simple: they come across a problem, do some punching and face smashing, then go to a bar to "heal the wounds" and go back to being friends again. Women's tactics, especially Taurus-women, are much more complicated. But this doesn't at all suggest that it is necessary to adhere to the biblical commandment of forgiveness. Let's face it; if a person is really bad and low, then any sort of respect for them is out of the question.
Starting from the end of May to the end of June, there will come a time when the Moon, the current patron of Taurus, will exert its full force, and the dynamics of its positive effects will be maximal. This means that in the first half of the summer, it is better to try to solve the maximum number of questions related to your personal relationships. You should not be afraid of irrevocable decisions and drastic measures. Sometimes, it is really the most acceptable way, which literally frees your hands. Tauruses tend to make things "more complicated" due to the features of their character, and their excessive emotionality can also, as they say, add fuel to fire. But not all of this is the responsibility of Taurus, so it is enough to realize the harmfulness of ongoing events; this apprehension will assist you in reaching a rational conclusion that in turn will help you find a compromise. Everything will go well if you learn to control your feelings and give preference to your reason rather than your emotions. This doesn't at all suggest that you need to become an "insensitive jerk", and a "maestro of logic". Try to find a balance, a fine line between the two eternal warring parties. This is the path to success.
The period starting from the second half of the summer of 2016 to early fall (until the very end of September) will mark the transition of the representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus to a fundamentally new phase in their world perception. As a matter of fact, this will affect only those Tauruses who were the most candid and honest with themselves at a previous stage. Without going into metaphysics, it is enough to say that everything comes to karma. If, throughout the first half of 2016, you acted "appropriately", then you are now welcome to reap delicious and fruitful benefits. Who is there to judge your actions? Of course, it's up to you, or rather your conscience. The period in late summer and early fall of 2016 will allow you to objectively evaluate yourself and reflect on all your actions that were produced recently. You will feel that you are now able to analyze such volumes of data that previously were out of your reach or unavailable for perception.
We are not talking only about "dry" information, but also about the feelings and experiences of others. All this will occur due to the increase of the dynamics of Venus, which will be backed up by a still incredibly strong, though "fading", Moon.
The end of fall and the winter of 2016 will not bring any significant changes to lives of Tauruses, except for some changes that are possible to occur in their professional field. But things will develop here quite individually and can vary considerably.
It is important to be aware that on the whole, the period of the final months of 2016 will be stable and calm for the representatives of Taurus. You will be able to become fully conscious of all the events that have taken place this year and sum up the outcome of your actions. In general, it is quite logical, but you should not think that with the end of the year a specific stage of your life will be over. Firstly, the Year of the Monkey, according to the Chinese horoscope, will end on January 27th, 2017. Many of us have somehow overlooked this small detail. And secondly, there are indications specifically in the horoscope for Taurus that December of 2016 will be the time of fundamentally different processes, novel and largely obscure ones. This might be associated with your transition to a new workplace, or your self-awareness may well move to a fundamentally different level. Do not be afraid of changes; give them a warm and brave welcome, and, if necessary, make space for them in your life. It's time you got rid of your old and inefficient communications as well as your unwanted personal traits and past mistakes. The end of 2016 will give you a chance to look at the same processes at a radically different angle, and you will really gain a lot from it.
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