Daily Horoscope July 18

Daily Horoscope for Today July 18, 2017

The astrological transits of the day have a theme of competing energies as the Moon continues moving through Taurus. There is a great deal of stubbornness here with a square to Mercury in Leo at mid-day (EST). The Sun and Mars in Cancer make a square to Uranus in Aries creating a feeling of insecurity or unexpected events. There is a great deal of push-and-pull in the skies!

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

You might feel a bit stuck today, or out of control! That's alright! Many people are. Your sign might get the brunt of someone's anger at this time or be involved in a passive-aggressive argument with someone else. It's a day to try and avoid stepping on someone else's toes if that is at all possible!

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

This is a great day for your sign in the emotional sector. You might be a bit quiet or unto yourself with the planet Mercury square your own sign. You might be in a great deal of change all at once, but it is for the better!

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

Your romantic interests and spirituality are opening up in a new way. Your mind is growing into a force to be reckoned with! You have a great deal of creative impetus at this time! There is nothing that can truly stop you from moving towards your heart's desire right now! Other than your own dreaminess! Let yourself go with the tides to your true passions in life!

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

Today is a great day to work on your surrender ability. This is a time for you to truly sit back and know nothing is in your control. It might feel a bit bogged down or clogged at times today especially in your partnerships or authority structures. Bosses might particularly get on your nerves at this time.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

You're in a top peak at this time. You have the greatest stamina and ability to succeed! Your career and communications are on a high right now. You might be a bit in an ego space, or feel separated from your own emotional self at this time. A great time for career and finances! A great time to send out a resume or go for the interview you've always wanted!

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

The Moon is in great harmony with your own chart. You have purpose and drive today especially in finances, exercise routines, and career opportunities. Growth is possible in your life at this time.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

You might feel a bit on top of the world, or soaring through space that has no endpoint! There is a lot of energy regarding moving full throttle through the universe at this time. Soak up the knowledge and let yourself experience things you never thought possible! Romance is a possibility at this time!

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

Today is a great day to get in touch with your emotions and open up to someone. You might have to push yourself to do it, and make the extra effort. Communications might feel a bit blocked at this time, but your heart is open to someone or something!

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

Today is a good day for you to embrace a challenge or move forward in your own creative space. You have a lot to do and learn. There is a lot to push through at this time, and it might feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but that won't stop you from finding a great moment in the day!

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

There is a ton of energy in your sector of the zodiac, and it has to do with matters of the heart transforming you. The key is this might be regarding fated news or conversations. You cannot avoid it at this time! You can only embrace the change!

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

This is not the day to avoid anyone or anything! There is a power or authority struggle with someone or something at this time. You have a lot to express, but you might now have a healthy outlet to do so, or feel like someone is rubbing you the wrong way. Deep cleansing breaths, today is a give-and-take! Someone of authority might have sound advice for you! Yellow and Orange are your power colors!

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today July 18

Create a safe space for you to do what you do best! CREATE! This is a great time to start a project or open up to new possibilities. You might feel lost in the show at this time, but that does not mean you can't create your own fun! Pink and Purple are your power colors today!

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