Astrology 2017: About Eclipses and other "Essentials"

Horoscope 2017: Planetary Aspects and Sign Shifts During 2017.

In accordance with the eastern traditions, the ruler of 2017 and of the 34 cycles of rebirth is the Red Rooster, also called the Fiery Red Rooster owing to his connection with the element of Fire (the active basis of Yin). It's important to note that zodiac signs from the classical European system of astrology, which are associated with the fire element, will not receive any definitive advantages, like many would think. And yet, the ruler of this 2017 cycle does provide them with more opportunities, and of course, more responsibility rests with them as well. However, this is not the only astrological law to consider in order to achieve success in all worldly pursuits in 2017 - all zodiac signs other than the fire elements will prove to be much more ambiguous and will be determined by a significant set of various factors. We will now try to discuss the most noticeable of these astrological events further.

It's important to note that in the Sun system, the current planetary ruler of this year's cycle is Jupiter. For those signs ruled by Jupiter (for example Pisces), the year of the Fiery Rooster will literally be filled to the brim with circumstances in which Pisceans must exhibit perseverance and indomitable will. Here we are talking about circumstances of exceptional strength, which may become fateful or momentous (the outcome depends of course on individual character traits and definite solutions). For other signs like Cancer, Jupiter acts as Exalted, which means that he gives power directly without mediation. These zodiac signs will receive advantages in resolving conflict and openly contentious situations - their personal responsibility in such situations will increase their significance proportionally. Those signs for whom Jupiter acts in the position of "fall" or "detriment" may fall behind their competitors, though this doesn't serve as evidence of a weak position or omen of defeat.

The sun's activity in 2017 will be exceptional because the actual planetary ruler, the aforementioned Jupiter, will be openly combative, meaning its effect on earth will not be possible without the energy of the Sun. Thus it is especially important to pay attention to the position of the Sun, and both full and partial eclipses of the Sun are similarly notable. In particular the solar eclipse on February 26th, 2017 will allow many zodiac signs (especially those for whom the Sun is either "exalted" or "ruler") to literally change their lives in the most fundamental manner. This is an unbelievably important day, which really must be used. No matter what the topic of your urgent problem - perhaps a question of career or a matter of love, planning a wedding, desire to start a family or anything else. It's important to plan such that the peak of your efforts comes together on this date.

The second solar eclipse of 2017 will fall on August 21st. This date will differ considerably from the previous, because here the Sun will favor all regardless of zodiac sign. And although the effect of solar energy will be more blurred and chaotic, it is advisable to schedule something notable - have no doubt it will result in an exciting and impressive development. However, in contrast to the beginning of the year, these events will influence ones that are directed toward future potential and possibility. Instantaneous accomplishment won't take shape here in such scale - longstanding projects however will be very affected.

Lunar eclipses of 2017 will also play a significant role. Like we've already said, the ruler of the year of the Fiery Rooster is Jupiter, whose closest fellow in an energetic sense is Mars. The antagonists of this pair are Venus and the Moon. In other words, lunar activity at this stage will carry a dual undertone. On the one hand, periods of increased lunar dynamics (the waxing moon and the full moon) will allow for quick and quality solutions in many family-oriented conflicts. But at the time of their maximum effect, lunar eclipses may weaken several zodiac signs. Of course in general this is quite an individual characteristic, but in actuality, it's best not to plan any important events on these days, in order to avoid unnecessary risks. Don't mark these days as absolutely unfavorable - there is a high chance that these days will be especially momentous - just be cautious with them. We speak of February 11th, 2017 (penumbral eclipse) and August 7th (partial lunar eclipse). A full lunar eclipse in 2017 is not forecast, which is a good thing because a similar situation in the context of the actual astral environment could bring absolutely unintended consequences.

Also for this year don't forget about Mercury in retrograde, which traditionally provokes conflict and negative astral tendencies for all zodiac signs without exception. The period from April 9th to May 3rd is definitively negative for planning getting married or conceiving a child. Use your brain when approaching this warning, as there are many factors which alter its balance of energy. The second period from August 12th through September the 5th will be characterized by ambiguity in all events. They won't be obviously negative especially in the longterm, but it's quite possible that they will bring you problems if you don't control your emotions and worries. At this stage a fortuitous solution will be found only at a distance from the actual problem, make use of deep analysis and planning for far-off actions. The third period from December 3rd through the 22nd of 2017 will be more neutral than negative. But it's still best to avoid planning any big contracts or trade agreements because the certainty of misfortune from this negative atmosphere is still quite high. Considering the position of Mercury can allow for one to sidestep the competition and then overtake them. This tendency also influences financial flows, but it's important to understand the handling of individual situations, otherwise the practical meaning isn't so important.

Speaking of general tendencies, 2017 will be quite successful for small and medium-sized business. Large corporations will at minimum maintain their rate of development and at maximum increase their previous standards. On a personal level, everything will develop individually, but taking into account the above tendencies, each will have his or her chance at success. The key astrological tendencies of the year of the Rooster are stated above - this is the basis of every prediction, and also oriented on actual practical meaning. The year of the (Red) Rooster will offer us heaps of prospects and possibilities.

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Comments: Astrology 2017: About Eclipses and other "Essentials"

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Steven 2017-05-18 12:15:44
Seraphim Wing Births. People born on the first or last day of the year of the wing,
and the First or Last Day of the correct Constellation.
Example; Last Day of Horse & last day of Leo, or First Day of Lamb and First day of Virgo
True Cusp is the first or last day of Constellation month.
Total True Cusp is first or last second of these days.
According to the Bible, Your birth is at the moment the child is seen. (Genesis 38:27-30) Don?€™t go forcing them out at the perfect time though. You have to have someone note the exact time the child is seen. Still, the day is more important unless you have the double True Cusp Mazzaroth and Shengxiao.
Double True Cusp Children are the Seraph Zodiac Wings. Can you find any of those children? Curious. A Seraph has six wings. In Hindu, they are the four arms. Two are unseen. (Isaiah 6:2)

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