June 2017 Horoscope Scorpio

June 2017 Horoscope Scorpio

June 2017 Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

For people who had the good fortune to be born under the sign of Scorpio, the first summer month will be exceptionally successful. The thing is that Venus and the Moon will come onto your side in June 2017, although they are celestial objects of the solar system which are usually quite neutral, or even openly aggressive towards your sign. Of course, Saturn, the traditional patron of Scorpio, is not going anywhere. Overall, all of these planetary combinations will enable you to act confidently, without expecting any backstabbing or the emergence of ambiguous situations. In actual fact you will have to make an effort, there's no doubt of this whatsoever, since as we all know, no pain no gain. On the other hand, the advantages of the current stage are obvious. In the area of work, it's appropriate to count on a growth in profits and additional financial bonuses. The sphere of personal relationships won't lag behind the area of business either, as in this regard many Scorpios will be able to find real friends, and others - their fate. But of course, everything will develop individually. It's important to point out one general point: don't rush to make decisions, even if Fortune is completely on your side. The unfavorable position of the Dark Moon could turn your plans to ashes if you are inattentive or overconfident.

With respect to the work sphere, as already mentioned, June 2017 will bring Scorpios a lot of fortunate moments. But if we dwell on this matter in more detail, the following nuances are worth mentioning. First of all, we are dealing with a period which to a large degree tends towards experimentation and originality in all its forms. This means that the winning strategy will be one which nobody expects from you. You must keep things in moderation in this regard, of course, because an approach that is too creative may not be understood or adopted by your colleagues. If you work for yourself, think once more about expanding your business. In this regard, however, you will have to choose a proper strategy. It may be that it's not at all necessary to expand in the direct sense - that is, to open new branches. Try to think about technological modernization and staff policies. In general, there are multiple possible courses of action, and all of them are at your disposal. Just don't divide your attention too much, otherwise the Dark Moon will completely eradicate all your reference points, and then you won't have to think about any development.

The "romantic front" in June 2017 could bring Scorpio a lot of interesting moments, but in actual fact many things will depend on a subjective (interested) look at what is going on. For some of you, the appearance of a new, true friend will be a definite advantage, but circumstances could unfold in such a way that you won't be up for making acquaintances, and starting new relationships will just be a hassle for you. This could become a problem, or more specifically, a dilemma, which will require a timely resolution. But this is more of a suggestion than a warning, since Venus will now be on your side, and in combination with Scorpios' communicative abilities, her appearance will enable you to achieve the result you want in any situation. In other words, if you have an irresistible urge, there will also be a corresponding achievement, it's just a question of how much effort and resources you are prepared to invest in this. June 2017 will be a good time for married Scorpios, but in this regard you must remember that the Dark Moon is extremely aggressive right now. This means that you can't rush or act rashly, relying on blind chance. Such a tactic will result in imminent failure.

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