Daily Horoscope October 16

Daily Horoscope for Today October 16, 2018

October 16, 2018, this day the focus should be entirely on you accomplishing goals in your personal life. Stop hesitating and share your feelings when it comes to matters of love. Delays on this day are especially dangerous. While you are trying to overcome your natural timidity, your sweetheart will find themselves in the company of someone more self-confident who will blow your plans out of the water. At work, carry out your duties as normal, anything above and beyond this will gain you nothing special. This isn't the day where you'll see excessive growth, victories and other achievements in your career.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Aries today will feel that they've hit upon a brilliant idea on how to achieve real happiness. You keep this to yourself, wisely and correctly assuming that many people will not like it. If you do seek advice, listen to those you talk to, they are expressing valid concerns and reasoning. At home, if you'd like to embark on any kind of family project, be sure to discuss it openly with your family and listen during these discussions and anything you decide will be more likely to be fun and successful.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Taurus October 16th should be aware of the politics and people around you, especially your place in it. You'll find yourself up against a person with dishonorable intentions whose goal is to sabotage you and take credit for your personal or professional achievements. You won't fall victim to this if you remain savvy and act quickly, attacking as well as defending simultaneously. Pay attention to your own lack of energy today as well or you could possibly end up at the doctor's office as a result of being too rundown or catching something else.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Geminis will show off your sense of style today by wearing something very stylish and fashion-forward. You'll receive a lot of attention and feel something of an elevated status as a fashion guru. This fun distraction will be the most significant and bright event of the day. In all other respects, you'll fight to keep from feeling bored. As an escape to get your energy back up, entertain yourself researching fashion, style or any other field of knowledge that interests you.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

The class is the name of the game for Cancers today. You'll need to choose a gift for someone close to you and you need to talk yourself out of buying the first shiny thing you see. This must be something elegant and refined and not another cheap bauble, whatever you choose will convey your feelings to your loved one. Be mindful of what you eat today, opting for healthy choices that will make you feel good and keep your energy up. Don't eat fast food, especially dubious leftovers or even free food from a break-room at the risk of deeply regretting this.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Leos will be feeling seriously disappointed today by an act of someone close. This person will acquire something that you've been working toward for a long time. You will perceive this act as "plagiarism." However, seriously think before you delete this person from your contact list. As a worst-case scenario, remember that imitation can be considered the highest form of flattery. Don't jump to conclusions and be careful how you voice your feelings. If you're single, don't cut ties just yet with that person vying for your attention. Give them one more chance to win you over.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Virgos will start the day feeling an intense motivation to perform your best for yourselves and your colleagues. Some major frustrations will be centered around your work site and won't be cleared up until the late evening. Additionally, you could feel extremely worn out by helping a friend or family member with a big project. Either way, you'll need to mentally and physically unplug this evening and seek relaxation. Unwind and lighten your mood by watching your favorite late-night news show.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Libras this October 16 will step outside your comfort zone and force yourself to face a difficult conversation. You may be asking for a raise at work, sharing some vital information with your partner or finally getting the nerve to ask out that special someone. Even though these actions and events feel a little insurmountable right now, do not hesitate for a moment. Smile, be courageous and believe in the success of your endeavor.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Scorpios will come out on top of the world today. Your ‘to-do' list will start and end with emergencies, service problems will occur, you'll be called by friends in crises, be required to help out on the other end of the city as soon as possible and encounter other stresses. You'll be happy to see your ability to meet each of these challenges. Just don't forget to take some precious moments to re-energize yourself and you'll really feel a glow of accomplishment at the end of the day.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Today Sagittarians will feel a major urge to change your appearance. If you're involved in a relationship, take your partner's desires and opinions about this into account. Shop for clothes and adopt a new hairstyle, choosing those that make you feel attractive and that you know will attract your spouse. If you're looking for a new love, any major changes you make should be to accentuate the best parts of your personality and support your goals to be your best self. You alone should make these decisions, thinking especially of your end goals and how you can accomplish them.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Capricorns will spend October 16, 2018, building on your new project at work. As an employee, you'll find yourself taking on a crucial new assignment from your management. If you're an entrepreneur, your time will be dedicated to developing new ideas regarding expanding your enterprise and delegating to employees to assist in accomplishing this. The overwhelming nature of your work will overshadow your personal life, so be sure to tactfully let your partner know what to expect in the short-term.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Aquarius will wake up feeling a little fiery this day. You dare to openly criticize upper management, decisively end a long-standing romance or disagree with the position of someone in authority. You'll feel a justifiable righteousness when these struggles end in your favor, however they will carry unintended and unpleasant consequences. If you don't want to see what this looks like, reconsider voicing your positions and opinions and refrain from excessive free-thinking.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today October 16

Pisces on this day will be full of new ideas on how to make your personal life more harmonious. However, hardly you will voice these ideas, as your constant partner will explode with indignation. Morality - act smoothly and very tactfully. If you're single and daydreaming about being in a relationship, reconsider your attitude to the opposite sex. Realize that relationships are what you make of them and you'll find that you meet more fun people around you if you make the effort to come out of your "shell".

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