2018 Color Horoscope for Aquarius Zodiac Sign

2018 Color Horoscope Aquarius

Aquarius Color Horoscope 2018 for the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

All the air signs have colors to represent their signs. Aquarius is an air sign and its color is clear, shocking blue. The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus, with the color electric blue. The traditional ruling planet for Aquarius is Saturn with the color black.

The colors for Aquarius are found through the forward and backward movement of Uranus and the easy or stressful contacts it makes with other planets as it moves through the zodiac throughout the year.

Uranus retrograde

Uranus starts the year retrograde in Aries and changes direction on the second day of the year when it turns direct. Wear dark electric blue and dark red. This is the time to revise plans you made last year before moving forward this year. On January 3rd, wear electric blue and red until May.

From March 10th to 14th, Mars trine Uranus in an easy, supportive contact. This indicates that a color combination of electric blues with a dash or red will work well now.

The Moon closes in on the Sun at the new moon on April 16th. It happens close to Uranus, making this the month that Uranus has something to say as its energy is embedded in the lunar cycle for that month. Wear electric blues, gold and silver or white to recognize the Sun Moon combined influence and harness this life-giving energy. For the first two weeks of this cycle as the Moon waxes, sow and grow, and in the fortnight after the next full moon, reap and keep.

On April 19th, the Sun finally touches Uranus and spotlights Aquarians through this planetary ruler. On this day choose orange, gold and electric blue as your color palette. Light, life and creativity will be available for Aquarians now. You will feel alive and energized. This is the day to be yourself.

On May 12th Mercury joins Uranus and the colors for Aquarians are now green and electric blues. This is the beginning of the upcoming sign change and the influence of Mercury is part of the Uranus experience. There will be a lot of conversations and chat. These are important, as they will help you build contacts for the future. Pay attention to people's names and be sure to reach out to them next week after Uranus moves into Taurus. There may be many moving parts to juggle this week and you need to be on the ball.

Uranus enters Taurus

On Tuesday May 15th, Uranus enters Taurus for the first time in eighty-four years. Uranus will be in the sign of the bull for seven years. Now the colors shift from blue and red to blue and pink. Aquarians will start to take ownership of their lives and build something of lasting value, like a family and home. The is no rush. but the ideas that spun through your mind earlier in the year may now become a reality as you find your foundations and establish yourself better.

The ringed planet Saturn joins forces with Uranus from August 1st to September 22nd. This is an extended time for a contact because both Saturn and Uranus will station during the trine and hold the essence of this beneficial aspect much longer. This brings high intensity to both Capricorn and Aquarius people.

Uranus retrograde

On August 7th, Uranus goes retrograde and remains so through to the end of 2018. During the backward motion, the colors should be toned down and more muted. Wear dusky blue like denim or air force blues. Choose to combine these with dark pink or fuchsia shades.

On August 23rd and 24th, the Sun in Virgo makes a grand trine with Saturn and Uranus all in earth signs. This is a strong major aspect pattern for 2018 and it will support the drives of Leos, Capricorns, and Aquarians. Colors now get interesting as you can wear electric blue, black and gold and combine stripes with wavy lines. Understanding other people will be a theme and the ability to seek support from your father or the authorities will result in a positive outcome for Aquarians.

On September 6th, Mercury closes a grand trine with Uranus and Saturn This lets Aquarians benefit from powerful planetary energy that will support them. Wear green, electric blue, and black. This is a good time for Aquarians. You can learn about working with others and presenting a united front. Being a spokesman for your cause or group may fall to you and the words should come easily.

In November, Uranus moves back into Aries for one last stretch and ends the year there. Go back to muted electric blues and dark reds. Now is the time to take action and choose your path if you are still on the fence.The final gasp of Uranus in Aries is a way to complete all that was left undone from the previous seven years when Uranus was in Aries.

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