2018 Horoscope for Leo Zodiac Sign

2018 Horoscope Leo

Astrology forecast for 2018, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. 2018 Horoscope for people born under the Leo Zodiac sign.

All Leos will feel the energy and excitement as Uranus steps into your career sector and brings your reputation to the fore. In business, you can start to relate better to the younger generations and embrace all tech stuff even if you are scared of it all. This happens from May 15th onward. If you were thinking about starting a business, this will be a time for formulation of the concepts and the abstract thoughts required to bring things together.

Powerful Pluto is still in your work sector and Saturn joined it in late 2017 to provide you the structure you will need to construct the working life and career that you want for all of 2018 and into next year. Skills you learn this year will help you in everyday life. They can be soft skills as well like being nicer and working on your customer engagement in a deeper way.

The big planet Jupiter brings energy to your home life and there can be many comings and goings in your house this year. New family members may join and some young people or older folk may move on. You may decide to change house or renovate because you need more room.

Neptune continues to bring some confusion to your partner's income generating ability. Insurances for loss of earnings may be something to consider taking up this year. The unsure and fragile state of life will be something to think about.

After the end of April, you have a chance to explore the realms of philosophy and travel for mentoring. This may manifest as you travelling, teaching, or giving back to your larger community. Your sensitivity is coupled with healing energy, and you can help yourself and others as Chiron enters your knowledge based zone on April 24th.

The year starts with a focus on daily activities and the housekeeping of your life. Organize your days to better reflect who you are and take the time to give yourself space to laugh, create and love.

On January 31st the lunar eclipse is in your sign. For one day before and after it will be a time for inwards looking which does not sit easy with confident Leo. Use this period to pause before you strike forward in the year.

After February 19th, for four weeks, you will be concerned with some money you owe or the amounts your partner has amassed. Your may wish to reassess your will or other life and death paperwork like insurances and endowments. This is the time of the year to donate blood if it suits your religion and principles.

At the equinox on March 21st, go on a vacation or take a mini-break. Explore the possibilities and read good books that expand you views. This is not the moment to be huddled up at home but rather to get into the great outdoors.

On April 21st, your planet enters your professional zone and your reputation comes under the spotlight. If you are worthy you will receive accolades or credit for past work projects now. You could be invited to be the figurehead for a group or represent business in some way.

From May 22nd, you will find much joy in with friends and in the company of like-minded people. Reach out and find your tribe.

On June 21st, at the solstice, you reach the month when Leos need to rest up and be reclusive. Your natural drive for the limelight will diminish now and you are best served by being at home and curled up with a good book or researching your next move. Take care to recharge and be ready for the big push coming next month.

As the Sun enters Leo, it is you time to shine. Get up, dress up, and show up all month. Promote you and your interests now. This is not the time to hold back but to be honest and straightforward with your opinions. Others may cringe but you are what you are. If you seek personal branding or the spotlight then your moment has come.

By August 24th, it is time to move onto acquiring what you want this year. Be clear and don't waste your resources on frivolities. Any financial negotiations now will be in your favor.

As the seasons change your can expect some frustrations because your planet is not well placed by sign from September 23rd for the next month. This is a time to spend in your neighborhood and stay close to home. Contact your brothers and sisters and other family members of your own generation, like cousins, as you will be well received now.

October 23rd brings the focus onto family matters and there could be people leaving your home or back moving in. Expect to have to accommodate relatives and be the one the family looks up to now. Plan a family reunion this month or at least entertain them with a barbeque at home.

When the largest planet moves into Sagittarius on November 8th it will stimulate your funny bone and you start to love life again. By this time, the hard work and accomplishments you have made earlier in the year will let you cruise a little to the end of the year, thus making the silly season lots of fun for Leos.

After November 23rd, it is your time to be generous with others. Go to parties and shows and enjoy life. It is more about being out and about at sports games and enjoying life than the homebound entertaining of last month. Get gifts for others and pretty wraps and bows.

Get all of you end-of-year parties over by December 22nd, after which time the mood shifts to practical issues. You prefer to be quieter at Christmas and New Year and spend it with those who have been, 'the wind beneath your wings' all year. Acknowledge the role your people play for you and be generous of spirit.

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Read Leo 2018 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

January 2018 Leo Horoscope February 2018 Leo Horoscope March 2018 Leo Horoscope April 2018 Leo Horoscope May 2018 Leo Horoscope June 2018 Leo Horoscope July 2018 Leo Horoscope August 2018 Leo Horoscope September 2018 Leo Horoscope October 2018 Leo Horoscope November 2018 Leo Horoscope December 2018 Leo Horoscope

Comments: 2018 Horoscope Leo

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jannat 2018-04-09 22:31:57
hey I m Leo.I m proud of my zodiac.I have extreme ego.loyal and I love deeply.I have so much strong personality.everybody attracted to me.it's really touch me.so I m happy.
pamela Sharpe 2018-04-02 13:41:37
I am a Leo tell me something about myself .
2018-01-01 14:43:09
I need know about my career my sign is leo 2018, my Name is Manjunatha.S DOB : 14.07.1991 place of birth : Bellari time of birth : 12.30 P.M. , I am interested in Government Bank job . please answer to my question
Meenakshi talwar 2017-12-05 13:36:00
birthday,3.10.1987 my question is ,i want to baby boy
2017-11-19 18:55:03
my name is Manjunatha Sangeeth Date of Birth : 14.07.2017 Time of Birth : 12:30 P.M. I need to know my future career , I am interested in Government Bank job , can I achieve this job in 2018
Rena 2017-10-31 11:27:15
I'm Leo, a real in the personality sense Lioness. I love adoration, have an immense ego, and want attention. But I'm also loyal. fierce protective, nurturing, passionate and creative. I said all that to say this. that God created this all seasons, time,people beliefs. one for a not have to be the exclusive paradigm. This description of a person's qualities and characteristics coukd be influenced by the sun, stars, and moon. With God all is possible!
gagan 2017-05-24 08:33:18
omg! yes i completely chngd my looks my hairs evrybdy noticed d changes n get jealous frm me too i noticed anywayz i dont care bout anybdy coz im leo but d prob is dat no doubt i enjoying also bt d problem im facing about delay in property matters house ...

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