Today Horoscope December 10

Daily Horoscope December 10

Daily Horoscope for Today December 10, 2019

We are asked to communicate today. Communicate pain as well as comfort. What seems like a simple thought in your mind could come as a revelation to someone else. You never know how someone is feeling or what they are thinking about. If they are stuck in a rut of thought, you could potentially bring them out of the said rut with the power of your words.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

You are usually a pretty smooth talker, Aries. It makes you great in business deals as well as friendships. Sometimes though, you don't really listen to the person you are talking to because you are wrapped up in the next thing you are going to say. Speak as well as listen today, Aries. You may come across someone with the words that could bring your goals to fruition within the next few days.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

If you are still feeling uneasy with your personal life, Taurus. Then today is a good day to begin verbalizing this. whether it be with a significant other or simply a friend. You could have tried to communicate a couple of days ago, but with little to no luck. Today will be a better day to try this again. The person on the receiving end of this conversation will be more open and willing to participate. And you will be able to remain calmer than you could have a few days ago.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

The sign of charisma usually isn't one to hold in thought. Isn't that right, Gemini? If you have something on your mind, it is hard for you to keep yourself contained. Today may be a day when you embark on many journeys of conversation with a lot of different people. It is almost as if your intuition speaks to you through conversations with strangers. You meet so many people on any given day. Today will be a day when you have a random conversation that could lead you down a productive path.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

Things are starting to level back out for you, Cancer. You are well on your way to completing the goals you have set in place for yourself. Today will be a day when you are caring for other people more than it seems you are caring for yourself. Try to gain some perspective while doing so, that way you still get something out of it in return. Then you aren't just losing energy all day, you are slowly charging yourself back up in the process.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

Today is calling you to show your loyalty to those you care about most, Leo. Call home today, someone you love may need your advice. You are good at sympathizing with people when you give yourself a second to really listen to them. This person is worth your time. You may surprise yourself with your own pearls of wisdom, and end up learning something about yourself along the way. Think less about getting ahead today, and more about diving deep.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

You possess a deep understanding of people and the world around you, Virgo. Today is a day when your intuition is calling upon you to share this wisdom with the world. You have so many things that never get spoken into the universe, but today shouldn't be one of those days. Annoy yourself with how much you share with others today. Let yourself talk peoples' ears off.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

You normally aren't one that needs help in the communication department, Libra. Especially not today. However, you tend to keep things light and try to avoid dark conversations. Today you will find that people will want to talk about their pasts. Pasts that may not be particularly positive topics of conversation. Even if the conversation turns a dark corner, be more of a confiding ear than a talker today.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

When it comes to pain and suffering, you seem to have a deep understanding, Scorpio. Whether you have personally gone through troubles of this nature or not, you are able to relate with people who have. You can feel many emotions on a deeper level than most. You are able to truly put yourself in someone else's shoes. You are also someone with killer advice when you let yourself share your mind with people. Do this today. There are people that will need to hear from you today.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

Talking about heavy subjects isn't something you are usually willing to do, Sagittarius. You know that bad things happen in the world, but you would rather they not get talked about. You will listen to what the person is saying and you may be cringing the entire time too, waiting for the moment you can escape. Try to be patient and stick around today. Even if you don't say much, being there for people will be meaningful enough.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

You tend to listen to other people talk about their positive and negative feelings, but you don't normally share your own. Normally Capricorn, this is okay. Today though is a little different. You are being asked to step outside your comfort zone and to share your feelings with another. Reflect on yourself today and share what you find. You will be surprised by the response you get for doing this. you are far more relatable than you think.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

Sharing your thoughts isn't your cup of tea Aquarius, that is unless you are provoked. Or directly asked. You feel as though your thoughts are only important to the people that care about you. This couldn't be further from the truth. Whether you are having deep emotional thoughts or surface-level funny stories that pop into your head, share them. Share them all.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today December 10

You have spent the last few days deep within your intuition, Pisces. And now it is time for you to come out and play. You've been pulling sacred information from the universe and now you are being called to share what you have learned. People are willing to listen today and they may also surprise you with their own wisdom you have not thought of yet… or at least in a while.

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