Today Horoscope December 14

Daily Horoscope December 14

Daily Horoscope for Today December 14, 2019

There is serenity in today. A kind of peacefulness you only get directly following a full moon. Tensions are low and smiles are plentiful. Hopefully, we are spending time with those we love most. Soaking up every ounce of this feeling, together. There aren't many days out of the year when we can really slow down, but today is definitely one of them.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

Recharging your battery is much needed, Aries. Good thing that is just what the doctor has ordered for today. And you are advised to take full advantage of this. Turn your phone off, keep the curtains closed and sleep your day away if you so desire. Today, you will not be punished for such decisions. You may have already started to detox yesterday, but today will be the icing on top.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

You will feel completely understood today, Taurus. Whether you spend the day completely alone or with close friends and family, you will feel loved. This probably started yesterday and today is just an extension of that. It is allowing you to regain your strength and patience enough to tackle this next work week. Which still won't be ask hectic as last week. You are in a nice little pocket of breathing room. Enjoy!

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

Today might have you feeling a little on the antsy side, Gemini. If all of your friends decided to visit family this weekend or are locking themselves away in their homes, you could be left alone. This sometimes isn't the best feeling in your book. Learn to embrace this today and you will have a much more relaxing day. Plan a nice day for yourself, and if you do happen to run into friends along the way, well that'll just be a nice little bonus.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

You are enjoying your time today, Cancer. slow and steady movements this weekend will be your specialty. You may still get the house cleaned up, but you may do so in spurts rather than all at once. Take full advantage of the lack of responsibilities needed from you this weekend. You are always on top of your game with your radar on high alert. You are being asked to turn off that alarm and let yourself sleep in for once.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

Rest up a little, Leo. It is the perfect time to save and regain your strength, Leo. This is right up your alley too. You love spending time being lazy any chance you can get. Especially with people you care about. Who cares if your house is dirty too? Don't even clean it. Completely veg out today. Don't even check social media. Allow yourself the time to unplug from society.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

You live for days like today, Virgo. When the obligations are low and you don't have to think at all if you don't want to. You are someone that is constantly thinking and worrying and organizing. Let yourself rest today. The world is taking a slow deep breath, and it's asking you to breathe with it. Don't overextend yourself by any means.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

You will take any excuse you can get to be lazy today, Libra. By all means, go for it! Spend some extra time laughing with roommates or friends. Call up an old friend you haven't spoken to in a while, just for the sake of catching up. You may begin to feel a little lonely if you spend the day by yourself. It is okay to feel this way. Do not force yourself upon anyone or into any plans today. Just go with the flow.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

You are ready to be alone today, Scorpio. You can feel the energy around you and you are ready to take full advantage of every moment. If you don't have anywhere to be, even better. Spend today with yourself and with your studies will really help you mentally. You are someone that thrives on knowledge and just knowing things. Today will be a great day to get caught up on your mental.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

A free day to do whatever you want is a day you wish you could have every day, Sagittarius. We know you will spend it doing just exactly whatever it is you want to be doing. You are free as a bird and the wind will guide you to new and exhilarating places. It may also be a good idea to just allow yourself to relax as well. You do not get much time to sit and do nothing in this life, and sometimes it can be of great benefit for us to do this.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

You have been surrounded by good-natured people the last couple days, Capricorn. This has helped you immensely and will continue to do so. You were running on fumes from overextending yourself, and time to live in loving energy was overdue. Take in all you can at this time because it surely won't last. However, the universe knows what you need. You will get exactly what you need and not an ounce more.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

A day to spend all by yourself is a day well spent in your book, Aquarius. It gives you time to get those creative juices flowing that gets stifled through your daily routine. It also gives you time to cuddle with your pets if you have any, which is a must in your book. Sometimes an animal can be a closer friend to you than a human can. You have a connection with animals that many signs cannot relate to.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today December 14

You have been feeling spacey lately, Pisces. For you though, this is genuinely a good thing. It means you have spent a lot of time in your head. Time in your head is usually needed, just so you can figure out how you feel that day or week. As well as the proper next steps for you to take. You are someone that is guided by their inner world stronger than most other signs. Use today as some extra time in your mental, just to prepare for the days to come.

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