Daily Horoscope for Today September 20, 2019
Pluto in Capricorn will be highlighted today, which will impact every sign in a unique and intense way. Although Pluto is far enough away that it takes a long time to switch signs, the fact that it's there for a long time means it holds more knowledge than a more fleeting planet. When highlighted, truths may come out that have been long awaiting some fresh air. What truth will you learn today?
♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Aries, you will find something out about yourself that you thought was harmless is actually negative from other perspectives. Instead of getting defensive, it will be good to apologize and move on, but be aware of that behavior in the future. It won't be anything too serious, but you may find yourself dwelling on the confrontation for a long time afterward. It's okay to think about it, but after a while, you need to let it go.
♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Taurus, you will be surprised and not in a good way. The excitement of the day will keep you going, but the dark undertones will discourage you. Don't be afraid, there is a good ending to all of this, even if it seems to be the mixed sort. A friend will reach out to you after a long silence, and you have to decide if you should let them back into your heart. You probably will, but you'll consider the alternative regardless.
♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Gemini, a secret you took some part in will leak to someone who doesn't know they aren't supposed to tell anyone. There will not be anyone to blame specifically, but you could probably try anyway. Those close to you will know the truth already and support you through this time of feeling exposed and vulnerable. Otherwise, work will be an oasis for you, and you'll be surprised to find peace there today.
♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Cancer, you will jump to conclusions today that makes you think you're discovering something big, but it will really be a simple misunderstanding. Even though you hate being wrong, you will find the whole situation hilarious and tell your friends, will a few details omitted, to make sure it's not too obvious that you jumped to the wrong conclusion. You'll enjoy making people laugh today.
♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Leo, today is the kind of day where you discover things about people you didn't expect. You're feeling quieter today, and people will feel comfortable enough to confide in you. Be careful not to make anyone feel like you think lesser of them for it or that you aren't trustworthy, by telling someone immediately afterward. You wouldn't do that, of course. If the opportunity presents itself, leave it alone.
♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Virgo, you will finally get to use a tidbit of a secret you heard from one person to connect to another person, and which comparing notes with your friends, will discover some big news, probably a pregnancy or something along those lines. You will have to be the bigger person and insist that you all keep the secret, but that won't stop you from dropping hints to the person it's about what you know everything.
♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Libra, you're an excellent secret keeper, unless the secret will help one of your other friends out or make someone find you more interesting. Or if someone asks you directly. Or if it makes sense that everyone knows the secret. Besides all of that, you're a safe that can't be cracked! In all honesty, though, you are a good friend and keep a good friend safe from some news that could hurt them really badly today.
♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Scorpio, you will be the one that slips a secret, which is unusual for you, but you do have a soft spot for your friends that love to hear a good story. You won't feel bad about it, but depending on how drastic the secret and who you told, you may hear about it again later, like a secret-laden boomerang. It'd be best to nip that in the bud now before it's airborne. But in case you don't catch it in time, just be prepared.
♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Sagittarius, something that used to make sense will no longer make as much sense to you; whether it be a friendship with someone, your liking of a certain type of food, or a very strong opinion you developed a few years ago that you've kept up out of habit. This realization will be a quiet one, but you will start to wonder how many things you haven't re-evaluated recently. Media will be your next stop, starting with music and movies. Forming your new opinions and current taste will take a lot of time.
♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Capricorn, you will not show on your face that you are surprised at anything you're told today, you're going to keep it cool. There is a lot of information you've been out of the loop on. One thing is enough, but a bunch? Where have you been? You can play along easily and no one will know they just let the one person in on huge news that shouldn't have known at all.
♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Aquarius, the secrets you have within yourself, for yourself are enough for you. Other people can go on and on, and you will only retain that which will make a good retelling in the future. But even then, you'll tweak it enough that it won't matter anymore. And as far as opening up to anyone else, you are very good at eluding others and think that no one can tell you aren't completely 100% all the time.
♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today September 20
Pisces, you will guess a secret purely on a whim, and fail at looking like you did it on purpose. People will still be impressed by your empathic ways, and though some will be more weary around you, others will start to tell you their secrets all the time since they assume you'll know them anyway. Even though you are particularly empathetic, most days aren't so specific. So you will be reaping the benefits of this particular event in terms of secrets and friendships. You are far more interested in the friendships, though.
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