Today Horoscope December 9

Daily Horoscope December 9

Daily Horoscope for Today December 9, 2019

If you were feeling less than optimistic yesterday, say goodbye to that today! Hopefully, you spent some time with love and gratitude as well as things that helped fill you up mentally. Today is a day when you can shine, at home and in the workplace. Be careful not to push your ideals and optimism on others, but instead allow yourself to freely shift from one place to the next.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Take the energy you created yesterday and bring it with you today, Aries. Throughout your workday, you will feel carried by the strength of happiness and love. If you didn't get to spend time with family yesterday, make sure you at least call today. You will spend today deep within your passions and pursuits. The exact place you want to be. Your efforts for this moon cycle are almost complete.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Today you will feel more in control of your surroundings, Taurus. The delusions will start to slip away and you will gradually start to be filled with lighter spirits throughout the day. Immersing yourself in your work will help with this as well. Your goals are important to you and you are right around the corner from seeing positive feedback for all you've done and continue to do.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

It is easy for you to be happy today, Gemini. The strings of your life will seemingly untie as you walk through your day. You will feel free to do as you please with your endeavors today. This will bring you much joy as you love to feel as though you are taking charge of your own life. Part of taking charge for you is being free to pick and choose. Soak this in today.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

While tensions could still be high when you wake up this morning, let us not bring them into our day today Cancer. You have a busy day ahead of you and bringing yesterday's turmoil will only drag you down. Hopefully, you were even able to lose this before you went to bed last night. There are lightweight moods surrounding you today. Feed off of this energy to help you feel lighter in return. Keep yourself grounded in your work and home life as well because today could have you feeling a bit spacey.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

It may be Monday, but you will wake up with the motivation of a Friday Leo. With your energy charged and your emotions high. Nothing will be able to stop you or bring you down today. Beware of putting yourself in other people's business though. Even if you feel as though you can help in a situation. You probably could, but these people won't be open to hearing from you. Save the energy for a different day.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Hopefully, you were able to release some mental clouding yesterday, Virgo. Release this energy completely as you enter your day today. You have the possibility to have a day full of happiness and the opportunity to get meaningful work done. Don't waste this because you choose to focus on the energy that doesn't serve you. The world is ready for you today, step into it with a grounded foot. Knowing you are just where you are supposed to be.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

The energy you felt yesterday will carry you into your workday today, Libra. As you work your way to the top of your dreams, you will do so in optimism today. One small step will reflect upon you as a great achievement, as it should! Each step toward the dream you are manifesting is the most important step of your life. You are creating the life you've always wanted with these steps and you will soon see the repercussions of your efforts.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Do not push people too much today, Scorpio. You are intelligent and speak with authority. Something that people may find threatening today. Although you may have a better solution to an obstacle for someone, they will not want to hear it. Everyone has to learn their own way and it would be much more beneficial for you if you expel this energy on yourself today. Teach yourself something new instead.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

The conversations around you today will be right up your alley, Sagittarius. Mercury has entered your beloved sign and it will bring free-flowing energy along with it. Remember to be fair in your pursuits and to channel your optimistic spirit with your work. The creative energy from yesterday is still in effect for you and you can channel this to help you progress further on your personal goals. Don't force the energy, just feel it.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Try not to manipulate situations today, Capricorn. Let the free-flowing energy do just that, free flow. If something doesn't go the way you suspected, take it as a chance to learn and accept instead of change. You have the opportunity to allow the optimistic energy surrounding you to carry you toward your goals. Keep a relaxed and easy-going mentality and you'll notice your dreams will come into fruition regardless. Let the workflow freely.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

The emotional wave will seem to die down a bit, Aquarius. Allow the free-spirited energy to engulf you today. Do not focus too much on other people and their pursuits as this could distract you. Instead, channel your energy into your own manifestations. Let yourself fall into universal conversations today. There is a pool of positive energy to help guide you along the way. Keep your spirits up and glide across the surface. You are being called to greater personal action today.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Keep paying attention to your intuition and visions today Pisces. You are on to something with this. however, this may not be a day for you to teach or advise anyone aside from yourself. It is not greedy of you to take on this knowledge and keep it to yourself. You are not hiding anything. Others may not yet be in a place to hear it anyway, that is why it was given to you. Let yourself feel grateful for this download and feel the graciousness surrounding you.

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