December 2019 Horoscope Aries

December 2019 Horoscope Aries

December 2019 Monthly Horoscope for Aries

December is going to be a crucial month for you, Aries, and not just because you'll need to get a lot of holiday shopping done. No, December is going to be pivotal because of the efforts you've made in the past year. No matter where you've concentrated your efforts - love, career, personal growth, what have you - the end of the year is where you're really going to put yourself to the test. Odds are good that this will be the case across many areas in your life. Why is this coming to a head now? Well, the appearance of Jupiter in his home sign of Sagittarius has a powerful effect on all of Aires and the prime time for that effect is at the beginning of the month. In fact, a beautiful new moon on December 7th is the peak of Jupiter's reign and the exact moment the spotlight is directly on you. That marks the beginning of your performance.

This has no doubt been a trying time at your job. As always, you've been working your butt off and there have been times where it's felt like it's never going to end. While your time working is certainly going to continue (but do play the lottery anyway, particularly around the 12th), December is when there will be a little bit of relief coming your way. While this means less external pressure, this is the time you need to increase the personal pressure a bit more. This is the month where you need to pull out any ideas for personal projects or even changing careers. You're going to be doing some extra homework to try and level up in your professional life. This is the nice thing about having things a little quieter where you work. You're going to do all this for you and to make your life better all around.

Love is always a challenge and this year has been no exception. Maybe you've struggled some with loved ones. Or maybe you've been single and the effort to find someone to connect with has been hopelessly draining. Either way, you've done a lot of legwork and sweating. Wouldn't it be nice to have just a bit of relief in this department? Look for some of that relief to appear starting around the 8th or so, like a bit of sunlight peeking from behind grey clouds. And use that little bit of relief to power your initiative to find what you'd like in love and romance. This is the time to stop and reflect on the year past and see if you're getting what you want. If not, what course corrections do you need to perform? These are hard questions, but that's why they're saved for the end of the year. You might not get the solid answers you were hoping for, but by beginning the process, you're on your way.

Financially your picture is pretty steady. Expect to see some slightly rough patches around the 9th or so, but these should even out over the course of the next couple of weeks. Nothing will rock your boat too much, but that's all the more reason to keep saving and not making any huge purchases until after the new year.

This month won't be all misery and drudgery, though. Yes, you'll be testing yourself in many areas of your life, but you'll also slow down and reflect on everything you've done this year. December is perfect for that for everyone, but for you, Aries, you're going to want to make sure to take the time to do it. Right around the 21st or so you'll want to pencil in the time to sit quietly, maybe next to a window with snow falling (or maybe a roaring fire) and just sit. Stare and think. While you're doing that, you're going to have a collection of things you'll want to pursue in the near future. Start cataloging those to have them ready at the beginning of January. In fact, make sure you have that list ready by the 28th. You'll want to enjoy the end of the year fully away from all the personal work you've done, but keeping it on hold to pick it up again come the first of the month.

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