2019 Horoscope for Pisces Zodiac Sign

2019 Horoscope Pisces

Astrology forecast for 2019, the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. 2019 Horoscope for people born under the Pisces Zodiac sign.

Gentle and usually slightly absent-minded Pisces will transform into someone else in 2019...

... It's all about connecting the elements and planetary aspects, which will have the most beneficial effect on your motivation. Yellow Earth Pig and its element Water will be patronizing you. Due to belonging to the Water triad of Zodiacal signs, you will prove to be an element of harmony. Contacts with the main elements of the year (Earth) will allow you to turn any action to benefit yourself and the world around you. To all the rest, the ruler of your Zodiac sign Neptune will take a favorable position relative to the Sun whose energy will dominate in this period. This means that you will have new patrons and allies and contacts with them will make you stronger. Activator of your Zodiac sign Venus will not be located in the strongest position, but due to the fact that its main opponent Mars will also be weakened, it can still generate some powerful messages. Since Venus's influence can refer both to the sphere of talents and the field of interpersonal relations, positive changes are possible both in the professional sector and your personal life.

It should be noted that in 2019 the trends of the previous period will continue developing with a positive impact on your career and hobbies. The previous achievements will serve as the basis for nominating your candidacy for leadership positions in 2019. You will be able to become an official leader at your place of work and also an informal inspirational leader should official advancements not occur. It is curious that you will be able to lead the situation even if it is unknown to you. Keep in mind that the transformation in the zone of your business interests is possible in the first days of the year, immediately after celebratory fireworks fade into the sky. Most likely, you will have to master an adjacent occupation but there are likely more serious challenges to come, but do not be afraid of changing to solve problems. It is during this period that you will find yourself in an unfamiliar state of extreme concentration, and this will allow you to smoothly fit into the changing circumstances.

If you are already in the leadership position or just about to enter a new position, pay attention to the following alignment of forces on the heavenly band. The solar dominance will induce a desire to take the leading positions in all spheres of your life. Your competitors will also experience the influence of this aspect. To succeed in business, dear Pisces, you should take advantage of the positive energy of your patron who will be entirely on your side in the struggle for power and influence. Neptune will be concentrated on expanding the zones of influence in 2019. You do not need to fight with competitors but should enter into temporary alliances with them. Don't be scared to get involved in such situations by attracting more but less significant forces to your side. At the same time, start developing areas that are not covered by the attention and skills of competing parties. While everyone will be chasing the same rabbit, make sure to catch the one that has been hiding in the bushes. This will make you a little stronger and therefore more secure. Look around yourself, and do not get carried away by a general flow. It is necessary to control not only the battlefield but also the entire range of military operations.

The patron of 2019 Pig is peace-loving and welcomes work. That is why Pisces does not have to concentrate solely on the struggle for the workplace, but it is important to focus on the work itself. By the way, you will be surprised by your purposefulness, admiring yourself and enjoying the positive changes happening right at the core of your personality. In fact, everything is much simpler now. You have done a good job the day before, and now you have a strong foundation that will push you in the direction of further development. Your success stems from your actions, not from personal qualities. Of course, you are smart and talented, but to become the first among equals, you need to work harder. So forget for a while about your uniqueness and do not be too proud of it. 2019 is a positive time for Pisces. You will win in any scenario but this period will end eventually and furthering your destiny will depend solely on what you will be doing. Everybody will forget surprisingly quickly about your prior achievements, but your record will still have to be beaten. Keep in mind that your achievements are most likely to take place in the field of professional employment. You have a chance to advance on the career ladder, to move from a regional team to a national team. Try to focus on this area of your development. If at this stage you are more concerned about the state of your personal life, you can take some steps towards success there too, but the achievements there will be of a smaller scale and not that significant.

There are some possible health-related problems in 2019. They will come from the influence of Mercury, as this planet will make you unreasonably active at times when you need a full rest, or make you feel tired and relaxed when you actually need to concentrate all your efforts. Keep in mind, Mercury is the planet of communications. All the problems that it will create will be ultimately associated with a shortage or a delay in the receipt of information. However, you can always rely on your intuition, and if the inner voice begins to ask you to stop and to take a break, that is exactly what you need to do. Then you will see that you did the right thing. And if you focus only on obvious facts, you will end up emotionally and physically drained.

For example, a meeting that you were rushing to will get canceled for no particular reason. In addition, you will not be surprised by such an outcome because a couple hours ago your inner voice was urging you to stay on the sofa rather than going anywhere. However, it is extremely difficult to separate intuition from ordinary laziness. In this case, you can use bypass maneuvers to get the desired result with minimum efforts invested. For example, specify the time and place of the meeting before leaving the house. It may be that the person you are meeting is stuck on a conference call and was on the verge of calling you and canceling everything. In fact, intuition is a small part of the ability to navigate through such events.; just a hardly audible voice warning you of something wrong. Your strength is all about acting because of your intuition. You will instantly grasp the essence of what is happening in 2019. Do not forget to use your unique abilities to your advantage, and then no one (not even evil Mercury) will be able to spoil your mood or place any obstacles in your way.

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Comments: 2019 Horoscope Pisces

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Harry 2022-02-08 12:29:04
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John 2019-03-16 17:38:32
Interesting with much accuracy too
salma 2019-02-11 10:42:49
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yasir 2019-02-09 07:09:46
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kem 2019-02-08 08:40:19
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suzan 2019-01-30 22:26:44
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Sajad 2019-01-29 18:54:19
what'll be 2019 for Pisces
wendy 2019-01-26 20:30:52
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