September 2019 Horoscope Gemini

September 2019 Horoscope Gemini

September 2019 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini, as you find yourself at the start of September 2019 feeling a bit more stuck than you are used to, do be rest assured that there is change setting its sights on you, and you will be grateful enough to make mutual eye contact when that time comes. That said, you will find parts of the month satisfactory work-wise and other parts more intriguing socially. You are, after all, an Air sign. So when your fellow yet more indecisive Air sign takes the season from Virgo, you will find yourself with possibly a different path than you started out the month with, but a good sense of where you're going. And most of all, not nearly so much hard work, which you've been doing plenty of.
In terms of socializing, your friends may find you flaky in the first part of the month as you try to take care of yourself in between work and the duties you have to complete at your home. It's best not to be too concerned what they think, though, because if they really truly know you, they know you are not a flake. You are just committed to meeting your needs above others, within reason. If you need to watch Netflix and pick up a new hobby, then, by all means, do it. Sometimes you do sacrifice your me-time for those you love, but it's good to follow your instinct about it.

As the month goes on, you will find that your social life changes as energy shifts gears. Your friends may have withdrawn since the beginning of September as their personal lives begin to become more important. You may have to go to them to hang out, and they'll appreciate having you around during this time. You'll be an excellent sounding board for their inner rebalancing. They'll see you as a great advisor while you'll probably be planning meals and projects while you're listening. It's not that you don't care, because you wouldn't be there if you didn't, it's just that you know they're being silly and that it pass if they just get it out of their system. If anything, you downplay your own involvement and don't think you're helping at all. You'll accept the gratitude, but you won't linger on it.
On the other hand, friendships will find balance again and you will talk to your friends about what you're going through as well. Things you talk about will have a clarity and understanding that haven't existed in a long time.

Work at the beginning of the month will be focused and filled with much movement forward as teams all hold up their sides of the work. You're usually a hard worker, especially if it's something you're passionate about, but you will have a passion for getting tasks done rather than what the tasks are. You will be happy and satisfied every day. Tired - bone-deep exhausted, due to putting more energy than you're used to in your work, but pleased with your work and the work of others around you.
As the month continues, work and your attitude about it will fluctuate and transform. It won't be sudden; there will be fluffier days and then harder days again, but eventually, you'll find that you're having more fun chattering with your coworkers than getting work done. You'll still get work done, but bringing projects home will seem less imperative and you'll find you feel more light-hearted. That brow furrow you were working on during Virgo season will knead itself out as the stress from constantly being on at work fades.
Though teamwork will become less cohesive, you will find more support from coworkers who pick up any slack that you may drop in your shift of priorities. Your communication of what you need help with will be important and much easier for you right now.

The beginning of the month for your inner journey will be a little like a traffic jam. You will see where you want to go, but you might have to pass the exit for self-reflection and come back to it once the lane clears up. There will be a lot of other things taking up your time. And as you are quite good at compartmentalizing, it won't be hard for you to set those needs aside. You will still feel the frustration of not getting to that metaphorical exit; seeing it and knowing you need to take it, but having to wait. It might make you fidgety in life that makes you doubt things that are solid and unchanging in your life. Dissatisfied is the best word for it, but not about superficial things, and those superficial things you find joy in will not drown out those feelings.
As the month continues, suddenly not only is the exit clear but somehow another one farther down the road turns out to be a faster route anyway. Taking it might mean some change in routine, an exciting event that triggers some self-reflection, or just a quiet readjustment within. You will feel refreshed and excited about the things that brought you joy previously. It will be easier to handle stress and environmental white noise.
All in all, this month will be an extensive journey even if you don't go anywhere. It will take a lot from you and give a lot back. The Libra shift will be a lot easier on you than those around you, and keeping that in mind will help you handle the sometimes chaotic energy of others as they find their own footing. You've got this.

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