2020 Money Horoscope for Aquarius Zodiac Sign

2020 Money Horoscope Aquarius

Aquarius Money Horoscope 2020 for the year of the White Metal Rat

The stars are shining on you this 2020 year of the Rat, Aquarius. And they are doing so in one area in particular: money.

No, you're not going to suddenly become the Monopoly millionaire, but in 2020 you will be in a great position to receive great treasures and wealth if - and it's a big if - you are in the right place at the right time and keeping your eyes and ears open for the right things. That might sound like a lot, but you've got the tools to stay on top of all of that.

Start your 2020 year off by putting yourself out there. You're not going to find money by sitting alone in your house. Money is going to come from other people, so you need to start putting yourself in a position to meet a wide range of people. No, you're not just doing this to be opportunistic, networking to find rich friends. What you're doing is meeting people and listening to them. Odds are good some of those people work in industries different from yours, or shop at places that you don't. You're going to spend this time of 2020 learning about a range of people different from you. Start slow in January, maybe going to a Meetup or some other social gathering to get you moving in different circles. By February you should be targeting groups that seem interesting to you. Like what's happening at your local art museum? Join their social calendar. Just enjoying trivia? Find your bar's trivia night. It might not sound immediately like a money move, but it's going to put you in a good place later for all sorts of riches.

Hopefully, during 2020, all you're continuing to work, save and invest for your retirement (even if it's just a little bit). Keep that up no matter what, Aquarius. Whatever windfall comes your way shouldn't stop you from doing that (until you've absolutely made all the money you could possibly make). In fact, when March 2020 rolls around you should write down some sort of plan for your saving that you can actually stick to. That plan could be nothing more than skipping one latte a week and putting that money in your savings account …. That's totally fine. What's more important than the amount is being consistent and deliberate about it. And if you already have a plan in place, pull it out at this time and see if it's working for you.

The late spring and early summer 2020 are when you really need to keep your eyes open. Opportunities are going to present themselves to you but they won't be obvious. So what are you looking for? You're looking for something that's outside of your comfort zone. Something that's going to take a little effort on your part. Not risk necessarily, but discomfort. Does a friend have a startup that's slowly building momentum? Is there a side gig that might keep you up late during the week but that seems potentially lucrative? Remember: you're not looking for something risky or stinking of ‘get rich quick' schemes here. You're looking for something you'd otherwise avoid because it sounds like too much work.

The last third of the 2020 year is when the stars REALLY want you to pay attention. If you've missed other golden opportunities up to this point, this is when you need to keep every sense open and available. Watch around October 2020 for a strange offer or a friend or family member getting involved with an unexpected enterprise. Observe, listen, and take copious notes. It might not be for you, but odds are good it will lead to something that is very much you and very lucrative.

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