2020 Horoscope for Horse Zodiac Sign

2020 Horoscope Horse

Chinese 2020 Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Horse, for the 2020 White Metal RAT Year

The 2020 year of the Rat for the Horse (for those born in the following years: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

In ancient times, sailors would use the nighttime sky to navigate their way across featureless oceans. It's easy to forget that the stars still want to tell us where to go. But the stars are telling you where to go, even if you're not on an ocean. You can hear the open road calling you in 2020, Horse. That will no doubt involve some actual geographic travel, but more interestingly that will also involve some mental, emotional, and spiritual journeys that are beckoning you loudly. Pack your bags because you're going to be going around several worlds - real and internal - in the next 366 days of the 2020 year of the Rat!

Before any seasoned traveller takes a trip, they make some basic plans. Rooms are reserved, guidebooks are consulted, tickets are purchased. Before you go anywhere, you want to make an itinerary of the places you want to see. That's going to take some research, maybe consulting friends who have been before. You're going to go through the exact same process for this year, Horse. Make a rough plan for where you'd like to go. Maybe ask your friends what locations you need to visit. They may have some ideas about where you need to take yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Start that planning process first thing in January 2020, right after New Years'. You need to chart a spiritual journey for yourself. What does that involve? A lot of quiet reflection. Get in the habit of meditating at the beginning of the year and try to sustain it throughout. You want to listen for whatever your wandering mind is telling you. Think of this period as researching before a vacation. Although this year might not all be as relaxing as a vacation, it is going to be a journey in which you'll return a changed person with lots of stories to tell.

The first place to explore is in your career and where it is heading. Take a look at where you are currently: your current position, the people you work with, what it's doing for you financially and spiritually. Then ask: where do you want to go? Are you interested in working with these people for several years down the road? Is this the line of work you always dreamed for yourself? When you come home after a day of work, are you energized or completely drained? You may well find that everything is just what it needs to be and you have a great current situation. Odds are good that there are at least a few things that could stand to be adjusted. Not all journeys have to be epics. Maybe you need to take a little day trip to explore other options at your job. Or just move your desk. Whatever you need, whatever scale, the first quarter of the year is the time to explore it.

February 2020 is the perfect time to examine your interpersonal relationships and see where you want to go with them. Again, your metaphor is travel, and a relationship is very much a journey. So with the people in your life, where have you been so far? Are any of those places areas you want to return to? Have you found some locations that you never want to return to again? The stars are thinking of you and the people in your life during this month, so you should as well. It might well be time to drop some people who have been a negative drain on you, giving you more time with the people who prop you up.

You're going to be thinking about your place in the world come spring. This is nothing new for you, Horse, except that you're going to be in a better position to do something about it if you don't like where you are. This could mean where you are local with the community where you live or examining your global impact: your carbon footprint, your involvement with current events, what have you. Maybe you just want to have a bigger reach with what you do. Maybe this is the time to put your creative endeavors out into the world. If you've ever had a moment in your life where you were thinking you'd like to be just slightly better known (dare we say: popular?), April 2020 is the perfect time to put the plans for this into action. Dreamed of being a rock star? Time to open up that music recording software and start putting your songs down. Writing the Great American Novel? Get yourself to your local coffee shop and start putting words to paper. Just want to sell your wares on Etsy? You know what to do. The stars are shining on you. April is your month.

All of this travelling has no doubt made you exhausted. That's a lot of spiritual miles to walk. You're probably due to take a small rest, right? Luckily, the stars have set such a time for you. Early summer 2020 is your rest and recovery period. Take the time to truly decompress. This doesn't mean you should drop everything and sit on the couch for two months. But remember that meditation mentioned earlier? Hopefully, you've been keeping it up all this time, but if not, don't worry. Early June is the perfect time to give it another go as well as to schedule some unplugging time. What does this mean? It means staying away from every branch of electronic communication and just… sitting and listening. You're covering a lot of territories this year and that's a lot of sensory input. Your brain needs time to process and catalog all of that information or it'll all end up in a mental backlog (and you'll be exhausted). Instead, unplug, let that analog computer in your head do its magic, and breathe. Keep this up as much as you can throughout June.

Travelling has been a prime metaphor throughout this 2020 horoscope, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't engage in actual travel during this coming year. Your best time for this isn't the peak month of August, but right after in September 2020. If there's anywhere you've been dreaming about heading to, this is the perfect month for it. Don't feel obliged to only do your grand destinations during this month. If there's a day trip you've been putting off, make it happen. The important thing is to use September for changing your scenery and giving your senses some new stimulation. Because while this will be an actual voyage in the physical world, your brain, emotions, and soul will be doing some extensive traveling in parallel to other equally stimulating locales.

As you close out the 2020 year, there's one final voyage you'll want to squeeze in. For this one, you have one question to answer: have you had all the formal education that you need? Did you leave school with a sense of longing for more, but life got in the way so it got pushed to the side? If you're still in school, are you on the academic path you want to be? Odds are good you have some loose ends and unanswered questions in this department. During December 2020 you are going to plan out some sort of return to school for the following year. Don't panic: this doesn't have to be dropping everything and enrolling in a Ph.D. program. This could be taking a class at a local community college. This could be an online class that you dabble in over several months. This could just be you getting a book on a topic you've been curious about and are utterly a beginner at. The important thing here is that you nurture that part of your brain that is hungry and has been hungry for a while. What it's hungry for is taking a journey of its own. Just like every other part of you, you need to let it go exploring for a while. No matter what area of study you're considering, the positive ramifications at your job will make themselves visible early in the following year.

The 2020 year of the Rat is the year for you to listen to the stars, Horse. You have a number of journeys to take and the stars want to help you get to those exotic locations. Those destinations are points of mental, emotional, and spiritual progression, way stations on the road to true happiness and satisfaction with your life. As with any trip you take, it's always okay to ask for directions if you're lost. Remember that the stars have your back and will make sure you're heading in the direction you need to go. And if for any reason a different path catches your eye, well, it's the side roads that sometimes have the most interesting sights.

You will cover a lot of personal miles this coming year, Horse. While at times it might be exhausting, those miles will reward you abundantly. Think of it as getting your Personal Growth Frequent Flyer points. You're putting in the legwork in 2020 so that you can get incredible gifts farther down the line. Just make sure you use them before they expire.

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