December 2020 Horoscope Capricorn

December 2020 Horoscope Capricorn

December 2020 Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn, you have a steady, dedicated nature that might feel a little out of place at the beginning of the month. With the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius in your solar 12th house, you might find yourself wanting to getaway. If you feel you need time alone to process everything that’s been happening, schedule it. Taking care of yourself will be paramount so that you don’t fall into new, bad habits.

Give yourself time to contemplate hidden matters, whether this is your own secrets, spiritual questions, or simply things you haven’t given much time to lately.

With Venus in Scorpio in your solar 11th house, things might be a little dramatic with friends! In addition, you might feel very strongly about your hopes and dreams. Use this strength of emotion to move forward.

Mars will be in Aries all month in your solar 4th house. All the more reason to create a safe, quiet place for yourself to contemplate and get clear with yourself. You might be very forceful about this but try not to be too blunt with those you share your home with.

Use the second week of December to go with the flow. The planetary aspects are changing rapidly, so on days when you feel uncomfortable, don’t push it. The energy you need to maintain your steady demeanor will be there. One day of rest or indecision will not undo the, likely very impressive, list of things you have accomplished.

The New Moon in Sagittarius falls in your solar 12th house. Continue your solitary reflection on life, spirituality, and secrets. Try to foster good habits rather than dwell on bad ones. You might feel very emotional about the things about you that are secret. Let it wash over you and let it go. No one is perfect, and no one expects you to be. You are still the person everyone knows they can rely on and trust.

Venus in Sagittarius falls in your solar 12th house on December 15th. You might experience a secret love far from home, or perhaps earn some money that no one else is aware of. With Venus sextile Saturn this is a good time for business partnerships, even if they have to be hush-hush. Mercury will trine Mars, giving you the mental energy you need to make things happen.

Saturn and Jupiter will enter Aquarius in your 2nd house. This will happen in quick succession: December 17th and December 19th. Take this opportunity to look to the future for innovative ideas about money. Connect with your friends and co-workers. Think about luxury and beauty and the ways it could change in the future. Aquarius is forward-thinking and likable, so you will be lucky and diplomatic in these areas.

As we enter your season Capricorn, Mercury will enter the 1st house slightly before the Sun returns to its solar home in your chart. With mind and identity both working together in the 1st house, take this time to focus on who you are, your appearance, and your physical presence. You might be tempted to take all of this a little too seriously but try to stay light-hearted.

Your ability to work hard and show off your dedication will be at its peak with Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21st. Keep your head in the game and you will likely be struck with inspiration before the end of December. Your creativity and hard work will pay off.

End the month couched in the comfort of home and your spouse or loved ones. With the Full Moon in Cancer on December 30th, the focus is in your solar 4th house. Make time and space for your mind and body to recharge, and you’ll be ready to take on anything when the new year begins.

After a contemplative start to the month, you will enter a period of hard work and dedication that is very familiar to you. It’s a place you like to be: achieving, bolstering your confidence, and seeing the results of your labor. Don’t be afraid to lean on your closest loved ones for support, and make sure your home feels welcoming and safe. You are strong and unwavering, but even the strongest need people and places where they can feel at home.

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