2020 Love Horoscope for Gemini Zodiac Sign

2020 Love Horoscope Gemini

Gemini Love Horoscope 2020 for the year of the White Metal Rat

As far as the love and romance department is concerned, 2020 is the beginning of things getting much, much better for you, Gemini.

You've got some powerful cosmic forces rooting for you behind the scenes. In January, the Sun and Saturn are syncing up in a celestial convergence. What will this mean for you? It means every part of you will be wide open to the world That could mean secrets, dreams, fears, … anything inside of you that needs to be heard. There is a great torrent inside of you that is about to burst through the dams and levees. It's going to reveal everything within you that you've kept hidden for no good reason. And that means you're also going to get what you really want. Venus is behind all this and will be an excellent support mechanism for you.

You need to start the year taking a long, accurate look at what you like about yourself, Gemini. Not the negatives, just the positives. It may sound like an awkward and uncomfortable project, but that would be because it is. You need to take inventory of your good qualities because you're going to spend the rest of the 2020 year amplifying them and boosting your less than grand qualities. In fact, come February you're going to come face to face with one of those less than ideal qualities when a loved one confronts you about it. It won't come to blows or anything like that, but you'll be facing down some embarrassment about it. Embrace this as a learning experience and come out of it growing.

Whether you're single or not, spring 2020 is going to mean a lot of attention coming your way. This might be of the romantic sort, with suitors and crushes popping out of the woodwork. Or it might take the form of your family giving you more attention than you've had usually. Whatever the context, this can be a great confidence booster for you that you've been needing for a while. Ride the wave of that confidence to take care of you. The more positive attention you receive, convert it into the energy you need to work on something about yourself that needs improvement. This is where that analysis at the top of the year comes in handy.

Existing relationships will find themselves challenged come autumn 2020. This doesn't have to be a confrontation or even a negative situation. It does mean something will come up that provides you with an opportunity to level up the relationship as it currently stands. This could mean a couple finally deciding to move in together. Or a possible pregnancy. Or just reaching a moment that makes it clear whether or not this relationship is about to move on. If you're not currently in a serious relationship, this could be friendships changing due to relocating or something else that makes things just that much less free and easy. You're in a good position this year to handle it, Gemini. Just trust in that last of your good qualities as indicators of you being good and strong enough to do so. This will reach a peak around the last week in September.

You'll wrap up the 2020 year with a lot of personal growth mileage accumulated. By the time it's the last few days of December, you'll have built up your weaker muscles considerably and be that much more of a catch to those around you. Remember that you'll need to love yourself before you love anyone else, though. Luckily, 2020 is all about you doing that.

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Read Gemini 2020 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

January 2020 Gemini Horoscope February 2020 Gemini Horoscope March 2020 Gemini Horoscope April 2020 Gemini Horoscope May 2020 Gemini Horoscope June 2020 Gemini Horoscope July 2020 Gemini Horoscope August 2020 Gemini Horoscope September 2020 Gemini Horoscope October 2020 Gemini Horoscope November 2020 Gemini Horoscope December 2020 Gemini Horoscope

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