Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius

April 2021 Aquarius Horoscope

This Aries season marks the start of a new life for you, Aquarius. You’ll likely be feeling comfortable and at home. A feeling of safety and security is born with the beginning of a new astrological cycle. Chances are you’ve been tuned in to all the little hints the Universe has been giving you as to where to go next, and with fantastic flexibility, you haven’t failed to go with the flow of the wind. This is the month when you will be rewarded for being so trusting of your intuition. Keep it up.

Venus and the Moon will be trine in your 3rd and 11th house right at the beginning of the month. Be ready on the lookout for the synchronicities, especially when you’re out with your friends. This transit starts the month with good vibes, and you know this is not an accident. You have been putting in the work, and look where it got you. You could also be feeling extra psychic around this time like you almost can intuitively hear precisely what other people need. Take advantage of that to impress someone you look up to. Prosperous things will come the more you follow your intuition.

The Aries New Moon of April 11th brings with her a change in the wind. This could be a day where people around you could be feeling extra fiery, so it would be best to keep to yourself and be patient. The last month was likely a little hectic, and only now, you are getting your well deserved time to relax. Alternatively, your head could just be feeling extra cloudy today with an information overload. Take a step back and lay low for a while. Taking the time to process everything that is going on is an essential aspect of self-care. You are likely starting to confuse yourself with so many different ideas. Give yourself a second. Only time will tell what happens next.

On the 19th, Mars will trine Jupiter in your 1st and 5th house. This transit is all about the present moment. Maybe you have been trying to manifest something into your life, you saw all the signs, and though everything seems to be going fantastic, the goal itself is still nowhere to be seen. Great things take a while to come to fruition, and it’s for that reason that we all must learn to enjoy the here and now. This month comes outpouring with joy and abundance, and even though it may not be exactly as you had envisioned, it is still positive. Look outside, the flowers themselves take their time to bloom. Learn a lesson from them.

The Full Moon in Scorpio falls in your 10th house this month. This lunation calls attention to your work life and your long term goals. This is a time to be real with yourself and check if you are setting realistic expectations. Perhaps you’ve been expecting everyone to be on the same page as you at all times. Know that not everybody can meet you where you are when you want it. Instead of getting upset with somebody who failed to meet a deadline or couldn’t do the job up to your standards, ask them how you can help. Teamwork is a significant theme coming up in this lunar cycle. Aquarius are naturally good collaborators, but it can be complicated for you to see anything outside yourself when you get stuck on an idea. Just check in with your surroundings from time to time. You won’t regret it.

The month comes to a close with your sign’s ruler Saturn trine the North Node in your 1st and 5th house. This transit signals that are moving forward, you will find yourself in situations that will propel you towards your goal. Things may be getting more challenging moving forward, so take April as the calm before the storm. Being on top of your schedule will be pivotal if you want to overcome your limitations. You might also be feeling a little overwhelmed during this last week of the month, but that is a good sign that things are moving, and you are not just sitting still waiting for your dream-come-true to fall right into your lap. Saturn also calls for humanitarianism, so this might also mark a new phase in your life where you will be tending to those who need some of your inherent healing energy. Don’t shy away from owning your internal healer. You do an excellent job of keeping up with yourself. Pass that knowledge along and teach others how to do the same.

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♒ Horoscopes for Aquarius

Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius Zodiac signs Well

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