With your birthday coming for some of you, this month could be a little crazy. All the planning and organizing, while exciting for some, chances are you just want to take it easy and wait for the day to come so you can enjoy yourself. The bad news is, there’s work to be done, and you’ll like going to be the one doing all of it alone. This could be taken literally or as a metaphor. Early April will come with a lot of me-time, maybe more than you’d like. Though with the Sun conjunct with your ruling planet Venus throughout the first few weeks of April, you could gain a lot of benefits from just giving in to this Hermit phase. The goal here is to understand yourself better.
The Moon and Uranus will be squaring each other in your 10th and 1st house on the 6th. This could cause a strong sense of boredom, especially in the area of your work. If you are dealing with a tedious project or maybe just a slow early start, try to keep yourself engaged by going out in nature and reconnecting with yourself. Spring is your Signs’ season, after all, and it’s an excellent opportunity to recharge and kick the boredom out by gracing your eyes with something beautiful. If it’s still cold where you are, maybe a nice night in with a tasty hot chocolate and a silly movie could be a tempting alternative.
On the 11th and 12th of this month, things could start to look a little brighter. The New Moon in Aries will bring you a new sense of security, and Aries is the perfect energy to headbutt the lonely days out of your way. Though some repressed emotions may surface during this New Moon, know that they just had to be dealt with for a new you to come to life. On the 12th, the Moon moves out of Aries and will be exalted in your sign, which brings a sense of abundance, comfort, and harmony. Use this day to freshen up and do something you love, cook a fancy diner, light some candles up, perhaps invite a couple of friends over and magnify the abundant energies the moon is offering you through this new cycle.
On the 16th through the 25th, Saturn will be trine with the North Node in your 10th and second house. This could be when you see all that work boredom dissipate, and things could get going again. It may be an abrupt start so take the low-key time before this day to enjoy the quiet before the storm. Your mental energy will be heightened through this time so take advantage of that to sit down and plan because from here on out, the pace will pick up a lot. Taurus is notoriously easy-going, but when it’s time to be responsible, you’ll have to keep up with the times. Great rewards lie on the other end of all this effort, though. You might find yourself working on something of significant importance to one of your coworkers, and they’ll greatly appreciate you for it.
A day before the Full Moon, the luminary will also join in with the trine mentioned above. This will bring extra attention to detail and caring quality to how you approach this challenge. Someone in your inner circle may be needing some of that. So watch out for anyone who looks a little down that day. You might just have exactly what they need to feel better.
There’s been a lot of moon talk for you this month, Taurus, and that’s not by accident. This Lunar cycle pushes you out of your comfort zone because she knows you can do much greater things. Overflowing joy indeed lies at the other end of this. If you’re comfortable where you are, be a little more flexible to the change, and you might just find a new place to call home—figuratively speaking.
The Full Moon in Scorpio in your 7th house will be that last push towards greatness. Scorpio energy is not the usual warm and cozy energy you like, so you may see all the things you tend to keep hidden from others come to the surface. Alternatively, someone may be telling you something you’re not quite ready to hear, but this is great! At least you’re not in the dark.
The month comes to a close with the Sun conjunct Uranus in your 1st house. This is excellent news, and it’s the best way to close this month full of ups and downs. Uranus is adventurous and loves to shake things up. The transit will help you internalize all the month’s lessons and give a leg up to tie up any loose ends that came with it. The Sun illuminates Uranus’ rebellious attitude, and together, they say “enough is enough!” It’s time to say goodbye to the drama and open up the way for a new page in your life.
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