Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Virgo

April 2021 Virgo Horoscope

April will be a month where you can put all your analytical and organizational skills to work, Virgo. If you’ve been dealing with any debt—monetary or otherwise— this is the time to buckle up and design concrete plans to clear all of that out. In the first week of the month, you have Mercury entering your 8th house, which will provide you with the oration skills to talk your way out of any situation. Use it for good, though. If you direct these energies towards avoiding responsibilities, it will surely come back to bite you. If this doesn’t resonate with you, this could also be a time where you feel a little suspicious. Beware of trust issues. There’s no need to be the cause of your own anxieties; not everyone is out to get you. If you haven’t done anything that you shouldn’t have, you’ll most likely be fine.

On the 10th, Mercury will sextile Saturn in your 8th and 6th house. This transit is all about your responsibilities, and it will give you a push in the right direction towards mental stability. You may find that it will be easier to get your routine going at a formidable pace during this day. On the other hand, if you don’t yet have a routine, this will be an excellent time to start planning one out. Make sure you’re also taking other people’s time into account. Not everyone might be in the same go-getter mood as you at this time, so be ready to forgive a few slip-ups from your friends. Punctuality may be your forte, but it sure isn’t everybody’s. Take this as an opportunity to exercise your patience.

The 8th house trend continues with the Aries New Moon of April 11th also falling there. The theme of giving and receiving is evident at this time. The moon will be sextile with the North Node in your 10th house, shining a light on how much effort you’ve been putting on at work. If you’ve been working hard, this could be the time where you start to see some sort of reward for all your perseverance. If contrary, be ready to be scolded by your boss if laziness got the best of you in the previous month. Aries will provide you with the energy to make up for your mistakes, though, so don’t be too pressed if you get some negative feedback.

Enough with the negativity, though. On the 16th, the Sun and Mercury conjunction will be sextile to Jupiter and Mars. This will give you a sudden boost in luck and energy channelled through new opportunities in your public life. It will likely be a day when someone tells you how much they appreciate you for the help you’ve provided them with. Virgo is known for being the most helpful sign of the zodiac, and this will be a day where even those who disagree won’t be able to contest it. If you were in the lazy Virgo group for the New Moon, this day would be a fantastic boost in morale. So revel in it, and let yourself be appreciated even if your sense of perfectionism tries to get in the way.

On the 22nd, the moon will be trine with Mercury and Venus giving you an air of eloquence. People might feel like it’s easy to relate to you that day. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to catch up with old friends and family members. You’ll likely be going to be feeling in your element lecturing people on all the things you love. You have learned a lot through your journey, especially during the first few weeks of this month. Put what you’ve learned to practice and watch as your friends listen wide-eyed to all you have to say.

The Scorpio Full moon on the 26th falls in your third house. If you haven’t dealt with that debt mentioned earlier, chances are this will be the time where you uncover a new source that can help you pay it out. Remember, this can either be literal or metaphorical debt. If you’ve borrowed anything or feel like you owe someone a favour, this Full Moon will present you with opportunities to take that weight off your shoulders and move forward. Scorpio Full Moons are famously emotional, though. Be sure to practice some self-care leading up to it so you’re prepared for anything that may arise. You could very well be someone’s shoulder to cry on.

The month comes to a close with Jupiter sextile the Moon in your 4th house. This puts the focus on your family and close friends. Jupiter is a planet of luck and abundance, so you might find yourself at a family get together to celebrate someone’s victory, perhaps even your own. Either way, this transit will end the month on a positive note. Enjoy it and have as much fun as you can. You deserve all of it.

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♍ Horoscopes for Virgo

Monthly Horoscope for Virgo Zodiac signs Well

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