Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Libra

August 2021 Libra Horoscope

August is the month where you will do your best out in public. With the Sun and Mercury conjunction that happened on the last day of July in your 11th house, you will be expanding your network at an unprecedented rate. This month is the time to make new connections. You may be getting ready to get a team together to support you in your business or social endeavours. There is also a high chance of meeting prominent figures that are experienced in your field. This can be a humbling experience, but you will be surprised by how much you can also bring to the table. The theme of the month is a mutual exchange and learning. With Venus also transiting your 1st house in the second half of the month, you will have an extra allure to the way you present yourself. In this Leo season, you are well equipped to attract anything you want.

Mars will be making its way through Virgo all month in your 12th house. This can be a source of minor anxieties regarding the things that are a little out of your reach. You must be careful not to want to solve all your problems all at once by focusing on the things that are “wrong” in your life. Chances are, there is a lot to be thankful for, and if you make an effort to find these things and cherish them, you will be able to make use of the more positive aspects of this transit. The God of War and ruler of Aries has unstoppable energy that can make all wrongs right. Since this is happening in your house of secrecy and illusions, you might find the strength to deal with all the problems that you have been sweeping under the rug for a while. This can only happen if you decide to not complain about their existence, though. It is literally impossible for anyone’s lives to be flawless. The second you can come to terms with this unavoidable reality is when you will embody the Virgoan qualities of analysis and adaptability. Mars is offering you the courage to go the extra mile and astound your peers with the propensity to overcome the challenges everyone else is avoiding.

Another minor - but not less significant - the influence of our neighbour planet, Mars, is the square it makes momentarily with the Lunar nodes from the 7th to the 14th. This transit happens in your 9th house, and it will be a pivotal moment in this nodal cycle. Since September of last year, when the North Node transited into Gemini, you might have felt that you were forced to look at your situation outside of yourself. This makes for a challenging cycle, but only if you decide to be stuck in your own way and distract yourself with the more menial bumps of the process. Chances are you had to learn new skills at a pace uncomfortable to you. Still, as we approach the turn into a new cycle in December, you notice that what you learned starts to pay off. All the investigation and research was likely in the realm of faith as you had to find new coping mechanisms to come on top of the nonsensical state of the world. Mars squaring the nodes this week will give you a boost in vitality that will accelerate this transformation. What was once dark and terrifying begins to feel almost comforting as you learn to work around the roadblocks. This marks the flourishing of a new you that has been suppressed due to the past’s comfortability. Like a phoenix, you begin to rise from the ashes. You are indeed, a warrior.

The New Moon in Leo happening in your 11th house will bring a spark of hope as you find comfort in your connections. Libra is classically the relationship sign, and this is where you shine the brightest. Though you may usually be the one who takes care and tries to please everybody, all these favors will be retributed during this lunar cycle. Allowing yourself to be on the receiving end is pivotal this month. This will happen naturally, but if you have a tendency to resist when people are offering advice or even material help, you could miss out on an ample opportunity for a leg up. This is especially important to consider since there is a Uranus square to this New Moon happening in your 8th house. This is the place of other people’s resources, and it is possible that someone you know may be willing to help you out by sharing their prosperity with you. Keep your pride in check, and if you need assistance, take it. There will always be a chance to give back.

The Full Moon in your fellow air sign Aquarius might just be this opportunity for solidarity, though on a much bigger scale. It happens in your 5th house of inspiration and pleasure. The Saturnian influences of Aquarius might slow the pace of life momentarily. Still, it will do so in the pursuit of achieving harmony on a global level. The Moon will be blessing you with the intellect to design inventive solutions to your direct community’s problems, especially those younger than you. This is a time to share your experience as you may underestimate the insight it can provide for others. As a Libra, you can often assume that if things come easy to you, they may also be the same to others, but that’s not always the case. Share what you know; it is intrinsically valuable.

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♎ Horoscopes for Libra

Monthly Horoscope for Libra Zodiac signs Well

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