Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

August 2021 Scorpio Horoscope

We start the month on a positive and exciting note with the Sun and Mercury Leonian conjunction taking place in your 10th house. This transit will mainly focus on your career and reputation. Mercury will help you get your need to dive deep into whatever task your work requires of you into a great asset for any projects you are working on this month. August brings a lot of luck through positive changes in your professional life. Even if it is not evident immediately, know that there is something for you happening in the background. Abundance—monetary or emotional— is a guarantee. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious at this time. Your hard work will be easily recognized, and you may even have a hard time choosing what route to go next. The possibilities are truly endless if you allow the Universe to do its thing. Claim your blessings; they are ready for you.

Adding to this marvelous conjunction in your place of employment, Mars in Virgo will transit through your 11th house throughout all of August. This will come in handy with such a work themed month. It will make you more proactive in regards to your business partnerships and associates. You will have a keen understanding of everyone’s needs, and you will be sure to use this to your advantage. This transit comes with an inventive wit and a capacity to present your ideas clearly and decisively as you embody the qualities of a natural leader. However, all this power has a shadow side to it. A Virgoan Mars can be difficult to be satisfied, and you might end up biting more than you can chew. Count your blessings and make sure you are stopping to smell the roses. Affluent times like these don’t happen every day.

Mars will also play a significant role concerning the north node transit that started in September of last year. The Lunar Node is currently in your 8th house, which might be making you afraid of losing the strong foundation you have built for yourself. This transit could be making you more attached to routines and certainty in general. Additionally, it could spark within you a hoarding spirit as you accumulate things of value. It could even make you more possessive of people. Watch out for a mentality of lack, blessings are overflowing in your life at the time, and the more you fear losing it, they are more likely it will be that it will happen. Embracing gratitude is pivotal. The brief 11th house Mars square transit from August 7th to 14th will help you realize you need to get out of your own way. This could manifest in your social circle as people will be very aware of your current state —the good and the bad. You will learn to re-center yourself by looking outward and seeing that your situation is really not as bad as it could be. If you fail to do so, Mars can be a terrible source of anxiety.

Channeling these energies the right way will make for a powerful transformation. This New Moon coming up on the 8th of August will provide outstanding support as it squares with Uranus in your 7th house. Get ready for a breakthrough in the way you interact with your close partnerships. Uranus will likely open your eyes and make you realize all the mistakes you have made in your romance and friendship approach. This can be uncomfortable, but don’t be too worried. Everyone makes mistakes, and it is just another part of life that we have to workaround. It is better to be aware of where we are going wrong then go blindly and be caught in the middle of a situation that could be easily prevented. You will likely realize how much you crave a certain level of intimacy that you might have missed out on because you have been worrying far too much about your career and finances. Know there is a time a place for everything, and that balance is vital. With Uranus transiting your 7th house, there is no space for rigid thinking and assumptions on how others feel or think. Just ask; communication is the way to success. This is an important stage in your life that will help you shine even brighter.

The month comes to a close with the Full Moon happening on the warm and cozy 4th house. As you have Aquarius in this house, you might have always felt a sense of detachment to the standard definition of a home. Your place might have an air of eccentricity to it, and you may often feel restless when your house has looked the same for a while. This Full Moon is all about home improvement as she will illuminate all of the things that are not “right.” Alternatively, you may notice that the problem is not where you are but how you feel about it. Here the home can be interpreted as a symbol for your body, the home of the soul. This could be a time for an inner clean up. A chakra balancing meditation is strongly recommended at this time. Everything else will be cleared out if you feel immaculate inside and out.

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♏ Horoscopes for Scorpio

Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio Zodiac signs Well

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