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August 2021 Horoscope

August 2021 Horoscope


August 2021 Horoscope monthly Overview

Leading up to this month, on July 31st Mercury and the Sun will be conjunct in Leo. The transit spills over well into the first week of the month, starting us on a good note. Mercury brings mental energy to the Leo season, ushering us into a journey of self-expression. This month puts a spotlight on our individuality, and we can expect to feel like changing our aesthetic as a collective. The transit encourages a daring and exciting attitude that is certainly needed after the many trials and tribulations of 2021. We could see the birth of new fashion trends and a heightened general interest in appearances. In August, everybody gets to own their inner Leo by channeling the Sun’s magnetic energy and Mercury’s quick-witted enthusiasm.

Additionally, we may also see a rise in interest in self-help and motivational speaking as the collective becomes hungry for empowering media. It is possible that we may see a shift in the tone of internet content as people aspire to uplift one another by embracing the spotlight and being vulnerable and honest in front of the camera. Though the primary theme for Sun in Leo is individuality, we might find that we will be much more aware of our selves with the addition of that Mercury transit. This conjunction will give us the awareness to own our singularity while also honoring that of others by providing the space for everyone to shine. An illuminated Mercury also cultivates a thirst for practical knowledge that bears evident importance to our daily routine’s betterment. August is the month to be better and do better.

Speaking of practicality, Mars will begin to settle in the sign of Virgo, where he will stay for the whole month. Action will come easy to most of us during this time. The focus will be on taking steady, precise steps towards our goals as we strive for perfection. In a world of uncertainties, perfection seems almost unattainable. Still, the stubborn Mars does not believe in impossibility, and it charges through any obstacle in its way. Virgo gives the obtuse martian belligerence a direction through laser-like attention to detail. During Mars’ stay in the sign, Mercury —who is exalted here— will also have a brief conjunction with the hot red planet. This symbolizes deliberate action and a revision of past mistakes to get to what we desire faster and without having to make unnecessary sacrifices. No more miscalculated moves.

The New Moon on the 8th will be square with Uranus, who begins to reach the middle stages of a 7-year long transit in Taurus. The theme of this lunation is unconditional love for both the self and others. We are called to re-structuralize the foundation of our identity. Especially for those who have issues with feeling valuable and capable of achieving greatness independently, this lunar cycle will be quite powerful. The moon in Leo is about using your emotional awareness to lead others towards a path of self-love and radiance. Yet, Uranus in Taurus questions us to see if we are indeed playing that role or if we are instead waiting to be led. There is no right answer nor a better position. Still, we must be aware of what part you are playing in order to be mindful of what reality you are creating for yourself. Both sides of the coin have their pros and cons, but neither of them is entirely passive. This lunation invites us to make a choice so we can act accordingly.

Venus will also be moving along the zodiac, transiting through her domicile sign of Libra on the 16th, dominating the second half of the month. In this placement, we will see the yang and assertive version of the goddess of beauty. In Libra, Venus will bring peace and harmony to our close relationships as we become more open to others’ needs. Many couples might start taking their relationships to the next level—this is wedding season, after all. Moreover, those who have been single for a while might see a change in their Facebook status.

The Aquarian Full Moon will use the positivity surrounding all these other transits to manifest a great sense of mental security. The Saturnian qualities of the sign will be pivotal for carrying this willingness to work around our limitations through the rest of the year. As we begin to learn how to work with our current circumstances, we will begin to find solutions for many of the most direct issues impacting the collective. Aquarius will make us aware of all the work that is left for us to do. Still, it will also give us the intelligence to come up with creative solutions to overcome them. A big part of that is learning to diminish our egos and seeing the connection between all living creatures. Humanitarianism will be at the center of this lunation. As it closes the month, it will push to start building a brighter future.

August 2021 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

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