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Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius

February 2021 Aquarius Horoscope

February 2021 begins in the middle of your birthday season, Aquarius. Have you been having a good time so far? With the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all gathered in your solar 1st House, hopefully, it feels like things have been aligning nicely. With so many planets in your 1st House, this is a good time to think about things relating to your personality, appearance, and sense of self.

Mars will be in Taurus in your solar 4th House for the whole month. Because of this, things relating to your home and domestic life might seem to be moving slowly. Since the 4th House also applies to where you feel emotionally at home, you might be somewhat frustrated that things aren’t moving more quickly. Try not to worry, Mars in Taurus might move slowly, but it still moves.

On February 7th, Venus will square your ruling planet, Uranus. This might lead you to make some less-than-ideal choices in matters of love. Things might feel strange and unbalanced in your intimate relationships while this aspect is active.

The New Moon in Aquarius in your 1st House falls on February 11th this year. A New Moon is always a time for new beginnings and fresh experiences. Perhaps you are looking to turn over a new leaf or begin something completely new. Since it falls in your 1st House, this will likely be very powerful for you and it will most likely center around how you view yourself, your appearance, your attitude, and any other aspect of your Self. With Aquarius’ influence, you will be able to think of new things and innovate while keeping your ponderings intellectual. You will likely be able to change things up without getting too invested emotionally, which might be just what you need right now.

On February 18th, the Sun enters Pisces in your solar 2nd House. This officially brings Aquarius season to a close for this year and kicks off the beginning of the end of this year’s zodiac year. With introspective Pisces in your 2nd House of money and material possessions, you likely don’t talk outwardly about these matters very often. Although, you probably do think about them a fair amount. Pisces invites us to be imaginative and sensitive, and with the Sun stationed here, you will likely start thinking about your physical possessions and money in relation to your personality and self-image. Maybe you’ve been wanting to go through your things and revamp your space. Or you might want to start a new budget or find a new way to earn money. Whatever it happens to be, Pisces will help you find a creative way to get there. You might need to take some time alone to think on these matters.

On February 21st, Mercury goes back direct, still in your 1st House. If you’ve been having any trouble with things ruled by Mercury, such as communication, short trips, neighbors, or relatives, things will likely smooth out now. Since this happened in your 1st House, you might feel this even more than others. That’s good news for Mercury returning direct, because hopefully, it will have a bigger impact on you.

On February 25th, the Sun will sextile Uranus, your ruling planet. This aspect will help you take charge. In fact, you might experience some serendipity, with good ideas coming as if from nowhere.

Venus enters Pisces in your solar 2nd House on February 25th. Venus is content in the 2nd House, so introspection about money and material possessions will likely keep you busy during this time. The planet of love and passion will bring your focus around to strategies that will help you add a touch of luxury and beauty to the things you own. Maybe you will feel like redecorating. The combination of imaginative Pisces with art-loving Venus might be just what you need to make your space feel new and more in line with what you like.

The Full Moon in Virgo in your solar 8th House will fall on February 27th. A Full Moon generally illuminates. So matters of your 8th House, such as money you owe, spiritual transformations, things revolving around your life force, or other mystical topics, will likely seem easier to think about at this time. With this Full Moon falling in Virgo, this is the perfect time to get organized and get rid of excess in matters of debt.

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♒ Horoscopes for Aquarius

Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius Zodiac signs Well

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