Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Cancer

February 2021 Cancer Horoscope

February 2021 will start out with a focus on mystical matters and debts and then transition to a much more freeing Pisces season, with a focus on education, philosophy, and travel.

The month starts out with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus all in Aquarius in your solar 8th House (although, Mercury is retrograde). With all these planets centered around matters of debt, spiritual transformation, and your life force, you will likely have a fairly heavy Aquarius season. Give yourself time to think about these things, and let Aquarius help you innovate and look at things from a new direction.

Mars will be in Taurus in your solar 11th House for the whole month. You might feel some friction around friendships. Maybe you haven’t been connecting with everyone or some relationships have become strained. With Mars in steady Taurus, things will move slowly, but with some determination, they will still move.

Cancer, your ruling luminary is the Moon. It changes and moves more than any other luminary or planet in the sky. February 11th will usher in the New Moon in Aquarius, which will land in your solar 8th House. The 8th House is mystical and spiritual, topics you generally don’t have too much trouble connecting with because of your strong emotions. On a more practical note, the 8th House also calls attention to things like debt or other money you owe.

A New Moon will give you the chance to begin again, start something new, or take a fresh look at something ongoing. Paired up with Aquarius, you will have access to intellectual innovation, giving an objective bent to your normally subjective tendencies. Aquarius is also very charming when dealing with others, so this might be a good time to take a fresh look at relationships with people surrounding matters of debt, spiritual exploration, or possibly even your ancestry.

The Sun enters Pisces in your solar 9th House on February 18th. This will likely be an enjoyable season for you, with the Sun in a fellow water sign. The 9th House also feels free and expansive. You will likely be preoccupied with matters of higher education, profound subjects, or vacations to far-flung locations. Enjoy this time of year to get introspective, and as abstract as it sounds, think about your personal philosophy. Pisces will help you think about 9th House topics with imagination and patience.

On February 21st, Mercury will start moving forward again, still in your solar 8th House. Hopefully, this will help smooth over any bumps in the road you ran into while Mercury was retrograde.

Venus will also enter Pisces in your solar 9th House on February 25th. The planet of love and beauty will shift your focus to things like luxury, passion, and how to add aesthetic beauty to subjects contained in the 9th House. For example, the pursuit of knowledge can be beautiful, and Venus might help you tap into this. Or maybe you will travel somewhere that opens up your view of the world.

The Full Moon in Virgo lands in your solar 3rd House on February 27th. This is an excellent combination for organization and clearing away excess. Virgo will help you get things on track relating to matters of the 3rd House like communication, short trips, relatives, and neighbors. With Mercury retrograde at the beginning of the month, these areas might have felt much more difficult than normal. The Full Moon and Mercury returning direct should help things start to go smoother.

Overall, you will likely have a somewhat mystical beginning to the month and an expansive Pisces season.

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♋ Horoscopes for Cancer

Monthly Horoscope for Cancer Zodiac signs Well

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