Sagittarius, Aquarius season will likely continue to be fun for you in February 2021. With a lot of activity in your 3rd House, you’ll have the leeway to communicate well, especially with siblings, cousins, and neighbors. Just in general, it will be a wonderful time for you to communicate your thoughts logically and effectively. Daily travel and transportation will also likely be a little smoother. Keep in mind that Mercury is in retrograde until the 21st so this might be somewhat hindered, but with so many planets stationed in your solar 3rd House, things should be okay.
The end of the month when planets begin to enter your solar 4th House in Pisces will bring you the opportunity to reflect and go deep into your psyche in matters of home – both physical and emotional. You will be allowed space and time to figure out if you are comfortable with your current home. Pisces lets us look at the things we keep secret and uncover them if necessary.
With Mars in Taurus for the whole month in your solar 6th House, you will have slow but steady progress in areas of work and service. Things might feel like they are moving slowly at your day job. That is all right as long as you are content. Mars in Taurus will give you the ability to endure if you need to.
The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all stationed in your solar 3rd House in Aquarius. This combination of communication and forward-thinking ideals is a wonderful complement to your naturally free-thinking, far-reaching nature. Use this opportunity to communicate with those close to you like relatives and neighbors. Your passion and identity will be on the same page. Use Aquarius’ progressive influence to take a fresh look at things.
On February 11th, the New Moon in Aquarius will land in your solar 3rd House. The New Moon is always a time to take a look at things from a new perspective and Aquarius’ influence just makes that even more powerful. Is there something that you have been thinking about that needs to be communicated in a new way? You might get the inspiration you need to talk or write about it during this new moon. Take advantage of the clean slate this moon phase provides.
In addition, Venus conjuncts Jupiter on February 11th. Combine this positive aspect which will help you come across as more attractive to communicate whatever it is you discover through the new moon. With your ruling planet, Jupiter, working with the planet of love, beauty, and passion, you will be extra appealing to people at this time.
On February 13th, you can harness Mercury conjunct Venus to enhance your natural skills. It will help you speak in a charming manner and find a balance between intellectual and emotional pursuits. You already have a good grasp of these things, but this aspect can only help.
February 14th will bring a wave of creativity and a little extra optimism. Let your natural intelligence and ability to look on the bright side rise even higher with Mercury conjunct Jupiter and Mars sextile Neptune. Your imagination can run wild on this day.
The Sun will enter Pisces on February 18th in your solar 4th House. Your focus will shift to that of an emotional and physical home. Because your 4th House is paired with Pisces, this will likely mean that you are delving into things you often keep hidden. Kick back during Pisces season. Try to take this time to be introspective and enjoy uncovering secrets and working through them. Is there something about where you feel at home that needs to be reflected on? Now is the time to do the work.
Mercury will start moving direct again on February 21st. If you were experiencing problems with communication earlier in the month, now is the time to get back at it. Hopefully, things will be a little easier.
On February 25th, Venus will enter Pisces in your solar 4th House. Now with the Sun and Venus in your 4th House, take this time to keep thinking about what you’re passionate about in relation to the places you feel at home. Think about where you feel the most comfortable. Is there a way you could make it more beautiful or more appealing for yourself? Are there things about it that are secret that need to be resolved before you can feel comfortable?
The month wraps up with a Full Moon in Virgo in your 10th House on February 27th. With a full moon in the house that focuses on career and public reputation, these matters will likely be illuminated. Work with Virgo’s ability to organize and get clear on what really matters. Simplify and take this opportunity to make matters relating to your long-term career goals and public standing more manageable. This full moon will hopefully help you gain some control and give you some peace.
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