Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

July 2021 Sagittarius Horoscope

The Archer, a free, traveled, and cultured Centaur that binds the bridge between the heavens and the Earth. During your time in the 4th house, Sagittarius will experience how it feels to be emotionally free. Over the course of the month, the Archer will examine their need for freedom and opportunity and how they can acquire more of it. Why does Sagittarius need so much space? This can be answered by the simple fact that the world is so colossal in size (compared to us tiny humans), that they feel they have answers lying in the depths of this planet without even knowing what the questions to those answers are. Sagittarius, prepare your spirit to experience cosmic planetary events that will influence you to rethink what freedom means to you.

Sagittarius, you can shoot your arrow to far distances. Like the arrow, keeping you constrained is cruel, and during this month you will reach distances you haven’t reached before.

What is the meaning of life for you, Sagittarius? You seek meaning in almost every task and social encounter you pursue. When you set your mind to something, determined Sagittarius, you’ll see that you do it with immense purpose and ambition. When Jupiter quintiles Uranus on the 3rd, the planetary angle will allow you to seek the wonders that your heart desires. You will yearn for the opportunity to shoot your arrow into the horizon and chase them to their location. Your sign is ruled by the element of fire, so passion embodies every aspect of your journey to those places far-beyond. Sagittarius, you love to travel and find places unknown. Out of all the zodiac signs, your social media presence can be the most alluring for your profile is full of pictures of your many visits to your foreign locations. This planetary alignment of grandiose Jupiter and adventurous Uranus can dictate your soul to book another trip to a never-before-seen country and place all other priorities on pilot mode. The world rolls their eyes at you packing your bags again, for you completely own the nomad characteristic of your life. Freedom makes you feel open and able to breathe easier. Remember that health for Sagittarius takes the meaning of expansion.

Once you’ve returned home from your travels you will find your physical body exhausted and out of sync. The world you return to is common, and the boredom after such a stimulating trip can affect your health negatively. This effect can heighten when Chiron reverses their energy backward, causing your soul to hit the brakes abruptly. When Chiron, the planet of health and wellness, goes into retrograde on the 15, it affects the fire sign by dimming the strength of the flame. Therefore, when Sagittarius experiences the energy reversal of Chiron, they feel a sense of weakness in their arms and vision. During this retrograde, you must feed your body vegetables, grains, and complex carbs that will break down into long-lasting energy for your body. Sagittarius must also remember to rest their body, for the protector of their emotions is their physical outer shield, and touching the emotions with exhaustion could severely damage the Archer. This is the month of the Crab, and the crab is a very emotional creature whose influence can determine other zodiac's ability to function. My thrill-seeking Sagittarius, take plenty of rest and partake in visual activities that make you happy. Wake up early to smell the flowers! Mental productivity and beauty will help you during Chiron’s Retrograde.

When you’ve finally found the place where you want to settle the end of your journey, you will feel confident and sure of the experiences you've allowed into your soul. The sun enters Leo on the 22nd, introducing the stage-stealing season of the Lion. This can affect Sagittarius by instilling confidence and ego inside of their noble-ruled persona. Poised Archer, you will be the star of conversation, making everyone around you laugh and feel incredible. You will attract love and admiration from family and friends whenever this planetary entrance occurs. The Sun is a grandiose star that when in Leo, inflicts strong confidence and a sense of invincibility. Even though Sagittarius can be quite annoyed by overly bearing fans, during Sun’s life in Leo they will assume that clinginess for admiration.

Like the Sun’s energy in Leo bought you confidence and shine, the Last Quarter Moon will have you analyzing all your past travels in the month of July. Did they do you good? Did you gain anything? Those are all worthy questions you will be asking yourself about the tasks you've accomplished with your new found discoveries. Your optimism is the ultimate spirit guide within you, and it usually leads Sagittarius into a direction that is perfectly designed for them. When searching for the meaning of life, Sagittarius will find that they knew the answer all along.

Sagittarius, you are generous and funny. Your poised archery attracts flocks of people to your shooting range. Appreciate the journey of freedom and love those who guide you along the way.

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♐ Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius Zodiac signs Well

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