Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Aries

June 2021 Aries Horoscope

This is a month to reevaluate the cornerstones of your life. It’s Gemini and Mercury retrograde season, so the theme of intellectual investment really takes the spotlight for all of the month. All this action is happening in your 3rd house. This is all about your cognitive function and your ability to think before you act. As much as Aries show up for the job and are great doers, an area of disadvantage is always moving without caution. Impulsivity often gets the best of some Aries, and this Mercury Retrograde might be when you face some consequences for being reckless. You may be challenged to take a deep breath before you make decisions and access your intuitive knowing. The challenge here is differentiating between impulse and intuition. These energies are very similar, but the primary difference here is that one requires patience and being grounded.

The relationship between this Retrograde and your 3rd house also calls special attention to how you communicate with others. Are you one of those Aries who say things before first thinking of the weight they might have on somebody else? At a time where we are all prone to misunderstandings, it’s essential to think of what words you are using to communicate with your peers. You don’t want to offend anybody by accident. Even if it is a scenario where the other is clearly wrong, there is no need to be abrasive. Aggression does nothing but starts arguments; it never ends them.

On the other hand, this Mercury transit may also be pointing at your dedication to your studies. Whether you are in school or not, life is a continuous learning experience. If you have stopped seeking new knowledge, this transit may push you towards challenging events that will teach you new lessons in a different—and maybe even harsher—manner. Take that learning process into your own hands, and seek new ideas to keep your life fresh and exciting. A saying that’s relevant at the time is “only boring people get bored.” Don’t cause your own tedium by being resistant to alternate pathways.

The Saturn-Uranus square happening in your 2nd and 11th house asks you to ponder where you’ve been investing your time and energy. When it comes to Aries, your vibrant life wants to be scattered everywhere you can get your hands on. With Uranus transiting your second house, you may be feeling unusually willing to give and spend your resources outwards. Giving yourself away, that easily can put you in social groups that hinder you instead of benefiting you. This square symbolizes the need to be able to know when to step out of a toxic group. Suppose you find yourself doing things with the fear of missing out on what other people have to offer. In that case, it’s good to note that sometimes the things people are giving away are not of any use to you. This month will be great to exercise that awareness.

The Gemini New Moon happens in your 3rd house. This new cycle is all about the behavioural patterns you have built for yourself. May they be good or bad, it is always good to check up and pay attention to what things you are repeating over and over. The more you do something, the more it becomes part of who you are, so if you are paying attention to these patterns and tend to them with care, you can design your optimal self. The key to success during this cycle is using your brainpower instead of your muscles to achieve your goals. An analysis is not usually associated with your sign. Still, that is precisely why a little effort to be methodical about the way you live your life can go a long way.

The Capricorn Full Moon is a more familiar energy to you, Aries. Capricorn is another fellow doer in the zodiac. Especially at the Full Moon, be ready to experience the culmination of little actions you’ve done through the month come to fruition in a tangible way. At the Full Moon (June 24), Mercury will also have gone direct speeding things back up and easing communication. It happens in your 10th house, so this is a fantastic time to get out there and be made visible. Your hard work will be noticed by whoever is around to see it, which could lead to fantastic opportunities for positive change in your life. This cycle is all about reevaluating and readjusting, and this Full Moon will be the perfect companion to that task. Get ready for a fresh start, and know that any struggles made apparent this month lead to something great. The way to deal with it at the moment is to take it slow and breathe.

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♈ Horoscopes for Aries

Monthly Horoscope for Aries Zodiac signs Well

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