I believe I don’t have to start this horoscope by saying it’s Gemini season. You are likely already geared up for a birthday adventure. Though be careful not to go too hard on your birthday, your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde, so it would be wise to have a clear head to navigate it. Since it’s happening in your 1st house, you could be in for the worst hangover of a lifetime. Still, jokes aside, this retrograde is all about yourself. Going through a solar return is already a time to reevaluate where you are in life and how far you’ve gotten, but combined with the Mercury retrograde, you are in for quite a thoughtful month. Needless to say, there’s no need to worry. In fact, you should very much avoid it. There’s really no use to force things at this time, and doing so may even cause some problems. It’s understandable for the zodiac’s social butterfly to want to be out and about all month to celebrate your birthday. But maybe just during this retrograde, have one thoroughly planned party instead of ten. You’ll survive, don’t worry.
Saturn is the second retrograde of the month happening in your 9th house. This could come to shake up your belief system and your life philosophy. It sounds profound, but to a scattered brained Gemini, this might just help you achieve a higher level of focus. This transit is here to clear all of the cognitive dissonance and uncertainty out of your life. It’s time to catch all the little plot holes in your own ideology and grow with a more sophisticated understanding of your place in the universe. This retrograde is happening in the sign of Aquarius, which could also shine a light on how you deal with others as well as your sense of idealism. Questions about perfection might be at the center of this transit. You may start to see where the need for excellence really is coming from for those of you who expect a lot from others and keep getting disappointed. Take note of it; this will better how you relate to others considerably.
Uranus also joins Saturn in this quest for a new order, though it tackles the situation much differently. For most of the month, the two planets will be square in your 12th and 9th house. Uranus transiting your 12th house will forcefully bring many things you keep in your subconscious to the surface. Combined with Saturn on the 9th, you might feel a strange connection with anything mysterious or occult. This could be a time where any suspicions might be cleared, and you’ll get a glimpse of what lies beyond your line of sight. This could mean a myriad of different things but pay special attention to what others say in order to ensure people are not too friendly with ulterior intentions in mind. It would be wise to be selective of who you tell personal life details to. Gemini is usually everyone’s friend, but at times we have to be careful with whom we trust. Don’t go assuming everyone has your best interest in mind upon meeting them just because they have a “good vibe.” At first glance, this may sound like it contradicts Saturn’s calling to check your expectations of others, but this is actually what you need to watch out for at the moment. Confront your own idea of what “good character” means. Sometimes appearances are deceiving. Maybe someone close to you doesn’t have quite the cheery personality you think is ideal, but they have stuck around with you through the more difficult moments of your life. Whereas the bubbly boy/girl-next-door might just be good for the show. Practice good judgment.
The New Moon in your sign will give you the room for fresh beginnings that you need to assimilate all the new ideas that will come rushing throughout the month. It’s happening on the 10t. Use that day to exchange some of what you’ve been thinking. Keeping all of these ideas inward can be the perfect recipe for some good old overthinking. Let some of that energy out before it gets too stressful.
The cycle will go on with the Capricorn Full Moon in your 8th house, happening on the 24th. At this time, you may realize that all these new discoveries were beneficial for both you and those around you. With Capricorn’s grounding energy, expect to surprise others with your newly resolved sense of self. You may even become a source of inspiration to those closest to you. Let this be a mutual exchange of inspiration, and be proud of your achievements. There’s nothing better than being recognized for your efforts, so don’t be shy and tell the world about the new you.
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